Biological Jihad
Biological Jihad Puts Islam In Position Of Domination As Muslim Births Will Outpace Christian Births In 20 Years
For years, NTEB has been telling you about something known as ‘biological jihad’ that has been waged by Muslims for the past forty years.

“Christianity is literally dying in Europe,” said Conrad Hackett, the lead researcher on the study.
For years, NTEB has been telling you about something known as ‘biological jihad’ that has been waged by Muslims for the past forty years. Simply put, biological jihad is the practice of Muslim women giving birth to as many children as possible in order to change the balance of power in non-Muslim nations they have migrated to. Why would they do this? Because in free Western societies, the group that is in the majority only has to nominate their own political candidates, then vote them into office. Once in office and in power to create and rescind laws, Muslim will easily be able to begin the process of instituting Sharia Law in a variety of Western nations.
“And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” Genesis 16:12 (KJV)
How Muslim Demographics Are Changing The Face Of Europe Forever
The Wall Street Journal reported today that “within 20 years, more babies will be born to Muslim women than to Christian women world-wide, the latest sign of the rapid growth that could make Islam the world’s largest religion by the end of the century. “Christianity is literally dying in Europe,” said Conrad Hackett, the lead researcher on the study.
People look at the brutal activity of ISIS and are rightly shocked and terrified. But biological jihad is much more frightening because it is a bloodless and legal takeover of society. Make no mistake about it, Muslims are not looking for ‘peaceful co-existence’ once they are in the majority. Terrorism may not be the aim of all Muslims, but Sharia Law is and Sharia Law is cruel and barbaric beyond the ability of mere words to do it justice.
This is what Sharia Law looks like:
Muslims believe that Sharia Law supersedes the United States Constitution:
Far Left Liberals in the United States who are so pro-Islam are the very first demographic group that Sharia Law will punish. Under Sharia, women have no rights, gays and lesbians are put to death, Christianity is not tolerated and the Jews are persecuted and cast out.
We will let the always awesome Brigitte Gabriel have the last word. Pay attention to what she says, it just may save your life one day.

Biological Jihad
Radical Terror-Supporting Group CAIR Will Be Holding Kentucky’s First-Ever ‘Muslim Day’ To Promote Islam On January 22 In State Capitol Rotunda
The Muslim community in Kentucky will gather in Frankfort next month for the inaugural Muslim Day at the state capitol. Biological jihad in action.

The Muslim community in Kentucky will gather in Frankfort next month for the inaugural Muslim Day at the state capitol.
It took Muslims in England over 30 years to establish a foothold in that nation, and with relentless and dogged determination they have slowly come to power. Just ask the Muslim mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, he will be happy to tell you how Islamists came to power in the land that gave the world the King James Bible. Or you could ask me, I will be happy to tell you as well.
“And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” Genesis 16:11,12 (KJV)
It’s called Biological Jihad, and it is exactly what it sounds like. Most free nations have a fatal flaw as far as being taken over goes, they have free and fair elections where the will of the people places other people into power through the ballot box on voting day. In most countries, the people being elected continue to promote the values of the people who elected them. But what if they people who elected you are Muslims? The Qu’ran teaches its followers to being meek when in the minority but to be fierce as a lion when in the majority. The Roman Catholic Church follows much the same teaching which is why Pope Francis is so buddy-buddy with Islamic leaders.
In 2018, America elected a record 55 Muslims to hold office from the local level all the way up to Congress and the Federal level. In 2022, we could see those figures double, this is how it happened in England, too. The upcoming Muslim Day in Kentucky should be a chilling reminder to all Americans that our unique way of life can vanish in a generation. Vote wisely. Biological jihad is no joke, and the Muslims are not laughing. You shouldn’t be, either.
Kentucky Muslim Population Prepares for First-Ever Muslim Day at the State Capitol
FROM WESTERN KENTUCKY RADIO: Muslims from all over Kentucky will tour the building on January 22, meet with legislators, pray in the Rotunda, and receive training on how to advocate for issues affecting the Muslim community.
Waheeda Muhammad, chair of the Kentucky chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations, said one of the goals of the event is to clear up misconceptions about the Islamic faith.
“One thing that really helps is for people to know a Muslim one-on-one, and that’s part of encouraging Muslims to get out, to be involved in society, because if people know you personally, that’s their image of Islam,” Muhammad told WKU Public Radio.
She says the event will encourage Muslims to get involved in government, including running for office.
Muslim visitors also plan to advocate for certain legislation, including stronger anti-bullying laws. The group has invited Governor Andy Beshear to meet with them. Muhammad says Muslim Day at the State Capitol is not government-sanctioned and no taxpayer funds are being used. She hopes it will become an annual event. READ MORE
Kentucky’s 1st Annual Muslim Day at the Capitol
Kentucky Muslims, this is our day at the Kentucky State Capitol in Frankfort!
Muslims from all over the State of Kentucky will get to do the following together:
- Tour the building where the laws that govern Kentucky are made
- Hear special guest speakers including Kentucky State Legislators & CAIR National Representatives
- Attend a special session training on how to advocate for issues that affect your family and community
- Pray Salat-ul-Dhuhr in the prestigious State Rotunda
- Meet and speak with the Legislators who represent you
This is a free event and lunch will be provided compliments of the Frankfort Muslim Community, but tickets are limited. Register now!
BIOLOGICAL JIHAD: How Muslim Demographics Are Changing The Face Of Europe Forever
It’s called Biological Jihad, and when fully implemented will result in a bloodless takeover of Europe by Muslims and Islam. More than a decade ago historian Bernard Lewis warned that if current migration trends continue, Europe will be Islamic by the end of the 21st century. Germany’s political elites are at the vanguard of making that prediction come true.
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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJV)
“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB
- HOW TO DONATE: Click here to view our GoFundMe page
Biological Jihad
WHO Investigating Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Been Infected With Ebola
According to three media outlets an undisclosed number of ISIS militants displaying signs of the disease attended a hospital in the ISIS-held city of Mosul, 250 miles north of Baghdad.

The World Health Organisation is investigating reports that ISIS militants have been showing up at an Iraqi hospital with Ebola
According to three media outlets an undisclosed number of ISIS militants displaying signs of the disease attended a hospital in the ISIS-held city of Mosul, 250 miles north of Baghdad. While the reports, from Kurdish and pro-Iraqi sources, remain unconfirmed, WHO spokesman Christy Feig said the group are trying to reach out to officials in ISIS-held areas to offer help.

Mosul has been under control of ISIS since June 2014 and over the past few weeks militants have reportedly executed more than a dozen doctors for refusing to treat injured fighters.
According to a report in Iraq’s pro-government newspaper, al Sabaah, the disease was brought to Mosul by ‘terrorists’ arriving ‘from several countries’ and Africa.
The symptoms of Ebola, which include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding and bruising, are similar to those of other diseases including malaria and yellow fever meaning it could easily have have been misdiagnosed.
In addition, very few ISIS fighters are believed to have travelled up from West Africa where the Ebola outbreak originated with most coming from areas where there have been no reports of the disease.
The reports have appeared in pro-government and Kurdish media but if true it could have catastrophic implications for people in ISIS-held areas as the group is against western science and medicine.
It is not known if any of the surviving doctors in Mosul are equipped to test for Ebola or trained to treat patients and prevent the spread of the disease.
Read the rest of the story on Daily Mail UK…
Biological Jihad
Muslims Claim Anchorage For Allah As Alaska’s First-Ever Mosque Is Built
On the edge of this northern outpost an unfamiliar sight is emerging: twin minarets. Alaska’s small but growing Muslim community is building the state’s first newly constructed mosque.

Biological Jihad is much more effective than waging war with bombs
Do you know what BIOLOGICAL JIHAD is all about? Click here to educate yourself before time runs out completely.
ANCHORAGE—On the edge of this northern outpost an unfamiliar sight is emerging: twin minarets. Alaska’s small but growing Muslim community is building the state’s first newly constructed mosque.

Alaska’s first mosque, under construction, will have 15,000 square feet of space. A 2011 survey of U.S. mosques found a 74% increase in the number of Muslim congregations established between 2000 and 2011, rising to 2,106 from 1,209.
The 15,000-square-foot mosque, taking shape near a Sons of Norway Viking Hall, will eventually include a Sunday school and a community center. Heated floors will make worship in the bitter winters more comfortable.
The mosque is perhaps the clearest sign yet that Islam in the U.S. is rapidly pushing beyond traditional population centers such as Detroit and Los Angeles. As the number of American Muslims grows through both immigration and higher-than-average birthrates, domes and minarets are sprouting in areas as varied as the eastern mountains of Kentucky and Louisiana’s parishes.
“This is our future,” said Osama Obeidi, one of the Muslim-Americans leading the building effort for the Islamic Community Center of Anchorage. “We have second-generation Alaskans now, and new people coming all the time. We need a place to call home.”
The building boom reflects American Muslims’ desire for a sense of permanence as their religion shifts from one mainly imported by immigrants to one practiced by their American-born children and grandchildren, Muslim leaders say.
The Muslim population in the U.S. is expected to more than double by 2030, to 6.2 million, according to a 2011 Pew Research Center study. By then, Muslims are expected to represent 1.7% of the U.S. population, making them as numerous as American Jews or Episcopalians today, the study says.
But rapid expansion has brought growing pains. Congregations are competing for construction funds and religious leaders, or imams, since both are in limited supply. And directing cash toward buildings can leave little for programming to retain young followers and offer professional counseling and educational services, some Muslim leaders say.
“There’s this ‘edifice complex,’ ” said Jihad Turk, president of Bayan Claremont, the Islamic graduate school at Claremont School of Theology in Claremont, Calif. “You have incredible enthusiasm and energy around fundraising and building these buildings. But there’s little attention given to the programming, best practices and governance.”
A 2011 survey of U.S. mosques found a 74% increase in the number of Muslim congregations established between 2000 and 2011, rising to 2,106 from 1,209. About 30% of those congregations built new mosques, said the report sponsored by the Hartford Institute for Religion Research and a coalition of Islamic organizations.
In 2000, the study counted 314 “purpose-built” mosques; by 2011, that number had more than doubled to 632.
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