Alexis Tsipras
Why Is The EU Parliament Building Modeled After The Cursed Tower Of Babel?
The EU Parliament Building is the first monument representing a superstate and reveals, through its intense symbolism, hatred of religion, plans for a New World Order and their subtle endorsement of tyranny.

The construction of the EU Parliament in the image of the Tower of Babel sends the message that Nimrod had the right philosophy and his Tower of Babel was a good idea.
“And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. “ Genesis 11:4,5,9 (KJV)
Recently, we have been writing on a particularly interesting character, the new PM of Greece, Alexis Tsipras. Many Christians are now looking at this man with heightened interest. He seems to embody many of the Biblical descriptions of the coming Antichrist. Time will tell, and we will be watching.
In this article, I will be reporting on something that I find as interesting as Tsipras himself. We will look at the EU Parliament Building, and more specifically at their building. Ever since it was completed in December of 1999, the EU parliament has raised questions and many eyebrows by its peculiar architecture. Although it is meant to have a modernist look, many say that it was fashioned after Nimrod’s Tower of Babel from the Scriptures.
Why does it look unfinished?
Promoters say it reflects the “unfinished nature of Europe”. However, some research on the subject reveals the dark and deep symbolism of the building. Exposing the real source of inspiration behind the Louise Weiss building is exposing the esoteric beliefs of the world elite, their dark aspirations and their interpretation of ancient scriptures.
We’ll go straight to the point: the Louise Weiss building is meant to look like painting “The Tower of Babel” by Pieter Brueghel the Elder in 1563. Story says that the Tower of Babel was never completed.
So, the UN Parliament is basically continuing the unfinished work of Nimrod, the infamous tyrant, who was building the Tower of Babel to defy God.
Do you think this is a good source of inspiration for a “democratic institution”?
The Story of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel
The story of Nimrod and the building of the Tower of Babel is found in many ancient manuscripts from various cultures around the world. Genesis 11 in the King James Bible starts off right after the end of the flood of Noah, and lets us know that:
“And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.” Genesis 11:1 (KJV)
The bible tells us that there was worldwide unity and harmony, a good thing, right? Wrong. No sooner is the whole world together then they immediately plan to overthrow God and “build a tower to Heaven”. That’s the result of bringing in World Peace without the King of Peace, Jesus Christ. We all know the story, the build the tower, make some pretty good progress right up until the moment where God confounds their speech with a multiplicity of previously unknown languages., and they are scattered. It looks like the modern-day European Union is headed for the exact same fate.
The official motto of the EU Parliament is this: “Europe – Many Tongues One Voice”. Now, add to their motto that their official headquarters is an updated version of the biblical Tower of Babel and I think you begin to see not only motive but intent as well.
Symbolism of the EU Parliament
The construction of the EU Parliament in the image of the Tower of Babel sends the message that Nimrod had the right philosophy and his Tower of Babel was a good idea.
What we can expect to see from the EU on this path:
- A gradual introduction of tyranny
- The elimination of the worship of God to introduce dependence on power
- All people speaking the same language and the same religion
- Rejecting God while trying to become gods
You know what? Those are major precepts of the esoteric beliefs of the world elite. Their belief system is based on the Mystery Religions (pagan rituals, worship of the Sun, considering Lucifer as the one who gave light to the human race, seeing God as a force wanting to keep humans in the dark).
Their New World Order will have evacuated all worship of God, introduced a single language and changed democracy to tyranny.
Here is the OFFICIAL poster promoting the EU Parliament:
In the poster we see the people of Europe rebuilding the Tower of Babel, only it’s not the ancient Tower of Babel but a very modern-day counterpart, the Louise Weiss building. It reminds me of the movie Jurassic Park where they use DNA samples to recreate the ancient dinosaurs only to find themselves as the prey of those same animals. Amazing how history repeats itself and how bible prophecy is always correct. Every time.
Here’s some points to note:
Point #1: We have a confirmation that the Louise Weiss building was truly inspired by the Tower of Babel. The poster recreated the exact tower on Pieter Brueghel’s painting, even making sure to include the broken part of the foundation. There is NO question there.
Point #2: The slogan: “Europe: Many Tongues One Voice” refers to God confusing the people with many languages. Lessons learned since Genesis 11? Zero.
Point #3: Look closely at the stars at the top. Do they look strange? They are upside down aka reversed pentagrams. The symbolism behind pentagrams is extremely deep and complex but we can say that a regular pentagram refers to “Good Ruling” and a reverse pentagram refers to “Evil Ruling”.
This poster has been banned due to protests by numerous groups. It is however extremely revealing and proves the esoteric mindset of the builders of the European Union’s Parliament.
In Conclusion:
- The European Union is a superstate that currently includes 28 countries (more in the future).
- The same fate awaits American and Asian countries, who are bound to unite under the same flag and currency to create other superstates. Those are the building blocks towards a Single World Government, a goal actively sought by the world elite.
- The EU Parliament Building is the first monument representing a superstate and reveals, through its intense symbolism, hatred of religion, plans for a New World Order and their subtle endorsement of tyranny.
Are you as convinced of the demonic powers at work here as I am?
With this new information in hand, the Alexis Tsipras piece now is even more intriguing, wouldn’t you say?
Portions of this story were taken from

Alexis Tsipras
Barack Obama Tells Alexis Tsipras That Rising Tide Of Nationalism Will Be A Threat To Globalism
Obama with Alexis Tsipras warned Tuesday that Americans and people around the world “are going to have to guard against a rise in a crude sort of nationalism.”

President Obama warned Tuesday that Americans and people around the world “are going to have to guard against a rise in a crude sort of nationalism, or ethnic identity, or tribalism” taking root amid the populist movements that are gaining currency around the world.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Why did the British people vote for Brexit? Why did Donald Trump win in a landslide? Because free peoples from any nation, once woken, will rightly reject globalism as a threat to individual freedom. NWO elites like Obama hate displays of nationalism like Trump’s America First campaign because he doesn’t believe America should come first. The coming Trump presidency is America’s first ray of sunlight in over 8 years.
Speaking at a joint news conference with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras by his side, Obama refrained from criticizing President-elect Donald Trump directly as he discussed the impact of his electoral victory last week. But the president made it clear that he sees a dark side to the kind of populist movements Trump’s campaign embodied — ideals that other conservative leaders are advocating in Europe and elsewhere.
- WHO IS ALEXIS TSIPRAS? – click here to visit the NTEB Archive
“We are going to have to guard against a rise in a crude sort of nationalism, or ethnic identity or tribalism that is built around an us and a them, and I will never apologize for saying that the future of humanity and the future of the world is going to be defined by what we have in common, as opposed to those things that separate us and ultimately lead us into conflict,” Obama said.
“Take Europe,” he continued. “We know what happens when Europeans start dividing themselves up and emphasizing their differences and seeing a competition between various countries in a zero-sum way. The 20th century was a bloodbath.”
Obama Full Press Conference with Alexis Tsipras in Greece:
If you don’t wish to suffer through all the blather, fast-forward to 32:20 mark to hear his specific anti-America First mumbo-jumbo.
Obama, who made it clear during the course of the hour-long news conference that he did not view the recent U.S. election results as a referendum on his own tenure or world vision, suggested that targeting specific racial, religious ethnic groups could backfire.
“In the United States we know what happens when we start dividing ourselves along the lines of race or religion or ethnicity. It is dangerous. It is dangerous, not just for the minority groups that are subjected to that kind of discrimination, or in some cases in the past, violence, but because we then don’t realize our potential as a country when we are preventing blacks or Latinos or Asians or gays or women from fully participating in the project of building American life,” he said.
“So my vision is right on that issue, and it may not always win the day in the short term in any particularly political circumstance, but I am confident it will win the day in the long term,” Obama added. “Because societies which are able to unify ourselves around values and ideals and character, and how we treat each other, and cooperation and innovation, ultimately are going to be more successful than societies that don’t.”
Obama acknowledged that there was a common theme in the recent U.S. presidential election, Britain’s vote in June to leave the European Union, and other populist movements elsewhere.
“Globalization, combined with technology, combined with social media and constant information, have disrupted people’s lives, sometimes in very concrete ways,” he said. “But also psychologically, people are less certain of their national identities or their place in the world. It starts looking different and disorienting.” source
Alexis Tsipras
Pope Francis Joins With Alexis Tsipras, Signs Joint Declaration On Muslim Migration With Greek Church
On behalf of modern society, Pope Francis begged the forgiveness of migrants and refugees Tuesday, asking them to forgive our “closed-mindedness and indifference” and insisting that each migrant has “the face of God.”

Earlier in the day, Pope Francis visited the Moria detention center, where some 3,000 people are awaiting decisions concerning their asylum status.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Alexis Tsipras, the mystery man from Greece, seems to keep popping up in the strangest of places with the most powerful of world leaders. For those of you who don’t know him, please visit the NTEB Alexis Tsipras archive.
The Pope was accompanied by two other religious leaders, the Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew and the Greek Archbishop Ieronymos. The three men signed a joint declaration expressing their concern for Europe’s migrant crisis.
Despite assurances by the papal spokesman, who earlier this week stated that the Pope’s trip to Lesbos would be purely humanitarian and ecumenical, it is difficult to ignore the political edge in the joint declaration.
In the declaration, the religious leaders specifically “urge all countries to extend temporary asylum, to offer refugee status to those who are eligible, to expand their relief efforts and to work with all men and women of good will for a prompt end to the conflicts in course.”
On behalf of modern society, Pope Francis begged the forgiveness of migrants and refugees Tuesday, asking them to forgive our “closed-mindedness and indifference” and insisting that each migrant has “the face of God.”
“Too often you have not been welcomed,” Francis said. “Forgive the closed-mindedness and indifference of our societies, which fear the change of lifestyle and mentality that your presence requires.”

Patriarch Bartholomew (L), Pope Francis (C) and Greek Archbishop Ieronimos (R) sign a joint declaration
The Pope addressed these words to migrants as part of a recorded video message in which he praised the work of the Jesuits who run the Centro Astalli, the Italian headquarters of the Jesuit Refugee Service. The message was released on April 19 in commemoration of the 35th anniversary of the center.
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me,” the Pope said, citing Jesus’ words as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel. Each of you, he said, has “the face of God and the flesh of Christ.”
Francis also told his audience, comprising migrants, workers and volunteers, that in contemporary society migrants are often treated like a burden or a problem, when in fact “you are instead a gift.”
Alexis Tsipras
Prophecy Watchers Stunned As Benjamin Netanyahu And Alexis Tsipras Form Alliance Yesterday
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warmly welcomed Greek PM Alexis Tsipras to discuss a three-way alliance between the countries of Israel, Greece and Cyprus. From a political perspective it’s a very interesting event, but from a prophecy perspective this thing is off the charts. Literally.

Yesterday, one of the strangest and most astonishing political meetings took place in Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warmly welcomed Greek PM Alexis Tsipras to discuss a three-way alliance between the countries of Israel, Greece and Cyprus. From a political perspective it’s a very interesting event, but from a prophecy perspective this thing is off the charts. Literally.
Back in February 11, 2015, we introduced you to Alexis Tsipras, this is what we said about him. “His name is Alexis Tsipras, and it seems that he meets much of the criteria of the prophesied Antichrist. He was just elected as the Prime Minister of Greece. He is an atheist and a far left winger. His party in Greece is called SYRIZA. He has appeared out of nowhere in the last couple of years, almost magically. He has landed himself in a most precarious situation. Greece is broken. Is he the one to fix it, and also the EU which is struggling and groping at almost anything to revive Europe? All eyes are on this man.” Remember that guy? You can refresh your memory by reading that full story here.
In recent years Israel has discovered several major offshore gas fields in the eastern Mediterranean containing trillions of cubic feet worth of gas, and is now keen to explore ways that it can transport it via Cyprus and then to Greece and into Europe. A move like this is of clear financial benefit to both Israel and a cash-strapped Greece. But of more interest was the rhetoric surrounding the meeting and the wider issues that were discussed.
The Israeli and Greek prime ministers signed numerous bilateral agreements during a Wednesday government to government meeting, including in the fields of economic cooperation, innovation and energy. “Energy also includes not merely discussing the possibilities of using our offshore gas, but also connecting Israel, Cyprus and Greece with an electricity cable that will, for the first time, enable Israel to diversify its electricity grid and even export gas through electrical energy,” Netanyahu said on Thursday.
Netanyahu and Tsipras are set to travel to Cyprus to meet with President Nicos Anastasiades for a trilateral summit dedicated to regional interests.
Alexis Tsipras, the Greek mystery man, after being quiet for many months now, has suddenly resurfaced in the most fascinating of all places, Israel. And the fact that he was there signing bilateral political and economic agreements has resounding prophetical implications. Just how far will it go?
Put on the coffee and open your bibles, things are about to get very interesting indeed. Stay Tuned…
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