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31 Prominent Catholic Theologians And Clergy Accuse Pope Francis Of Heresy, Issues Call For Him To Repent Or Vacate The Papal Throne

31 prominent Catholic clergymen and scholars call Pope Francis a heretic and demand he either repent or vacate his papal throne in the Vatican.




Prominent Catholic clergymen and scholars including Fr. Aidan Nichols, one of the best-known theologians in the English-speaking world, have issued an open letter accusing Pope Francis of committing heresy.

The Roman Catholic Church is not the Church that Jesus started, but to unsaved lost people it kind of looks and sounds like it. Kind of. Well, maybe a little? OK, not at all, but you get what I mean. The Roman counterfeit fools a lot of people because of its outer veneer of religiosity. But even within those parameters, the papacy of Pope Francis is making a lot of high-level Catholics pretty mad. Why? Let’s take a look and see.

“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.” Revelation 18:4-6 (KJV)

Over just the past few years, and in no particular order, Pope Francis has signed an interfaith covenant with the leader of Sunni Islam, held a secret backdoor meeting with the president of the Mormon cult and blessed their new temple in Rome, told a famous international photographer that he, Francis, was the Devil, has taken unprecendented steps to pull the LGBTQ+P for pedophile into the Catholic Church, and the endless list goes on. Endlessly.

But I have a news flash for this band of 31 Catholic theologians that might surprise them, and why they might want to retract their demands that Pope Francis stop all his religious shenanigans. Francis is only doing what the bible says the last pope in the end times is supposed to do. The bible says that there will be a One World Religion in Revelation 13, and Pope Francis is taking steps to make that happen. The bible says in Revelation 13, 17 and 18, that there will be a One World Government over which the king of Vatican City will rule the world, albeit for a short time, and Pope Francis is working to bring that to pass as well.

So if these ‘high-ranking’ theologians knew anything about the bible, what they would be doing is getting saved, leaving the Roman Catholic counterfeit, and prepare to leave this world in the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church. Flight #777 on Titus213 Airlines is now boarding.! Ahh…you look at life just a little differently when you’re a bible believer. I’ll take that over being a ‘high-ranking theologian’ any day.

Prominent clergy, scholars accuse Pope Francis of heresy in open letter

FROM LIFE SITE NEWS: They ask the bishops of the Catholic Church, to whom the open letter is addressed, to “take the steps necessary to deal with the grave situation” of a pope committing this crime. The authors base their charge of heresy on the manifold manifestations of Pope Francis’ embrace of positions contrary to the faith and his dubious support of prelates who in their lives have shown themselves to have a clear disrespect for the Church’s faith and morals.

“We take this measure as a last resort to respond to the accumulating harm caused by Pope Francis’s words and actions over several years, which have given rise to one of the worst crises in the history of the Catholic Church,” the authors state. The open letter is available in DutchItalianGermanFrench, and Spanish.

Among the signatories are well-respected scholars such as Father Thomas Crean, Fr. John Hunwicke, Professor John Rist, Dr. Anna Silvas, Professor Claudio Pierantoni, Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, and Dr. John Lamont. The text is dated “Easter Week” and appears on the traditional Feast Day of St. Catherine of Siena, a saint who counseled and admonished several popes in her time.

The 20-page document is a follow-up to the 2017 Filial Correction of Pope Francis that was signed originally by 62 scholars and which stated that the Pope has “effectively upheld 7 heretical positions about marriage, the moral life, and the reception of the sacraments, and has caused these heretical opinions to spread in the Catholic Church,” especially in light of his 2016 exhortation Amoris Laetitia.



The authors of the open letter state in a summary of their letter (read below) that it has now become clear that Pope Francis is aware of his own positions contrary to the faith and that the time has come to go a “stage further” by claiming that Pope Francis is “guilty of the crime of heresy.”

“We limit ourselves to accusing him of heresy on occasions where he has publicly denied truths of the faith, and then consistently acted in a way that demonstrates that he disbelieves these truths that he has publicly denied,” the authors state.

They clarify that they are not claiming Pope Francis has “denied truths of the faith in pronouncements that satisfy the conditions for an infallible papal teaching.”

“We assert that this would be impossible, since it would be incompatible with the guidance given to the Church by the Holy Spirit,” they state. In light of this situation, the authors call upon the bishops of the Church to take action since a “heretical papacy may not be tolerated or dissimulated to avoid a worse evil.”

For this reason, the authors “respectfully request the bishops of the Church to investigate the accusations contained in the letter, so that if they judge them to be well founded they may free the Church from her present distress, in accordance with the hallowed adage, Salus animarum prima lex (‘the salvation of souls is the highest law’). The bishops can do this, the writers suggest, “by admonishing Pope Francis to reject these heresies, and if he should persistently refuse, by declaring that he has freely deprived himself of the papacy.”

The authors first present in detail – and with theological references to substantiate their claims – the different positions against the faith Pope Francis has shown himself to hold, propagate, or support, including “seven propositions contradicting divinely revealed truth.”

One of the heresies the authors accuse Pope Francis of committing is expressed in the following proposition: “A Christian believer can have full knowledge of a divine law and voluntarily choose to break it in a serious matter, but not be in a state of mortal sin as a result of this action.” Many of these heretical statements touch on questions of marriage and the family and are to be found in Amoris Laetitia, but there is also a new claim made by Pope Francis in 2019 – namely, that the “diversity of religions” is “willed by God” – that is listed in the open letter.

In one section of the open letter, the authors list the many prelates as well as lay people, who, despite openly dissenting from Catholic doctrine and morals — either by word or by deed — have been by Pope Francis either publicly praised (such as Emma Bonino) or raised to influential positions (such as Cardinal Oscar Rodrigez Maradiaga). On this list are names such as Cardinal Blase Cupich, Cardinal Godfried Danneels, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta, and Bishop Juan Barros.



The fact that Pope Francis never responded to the dubia (questions) concerning Amoris Laetitia published by Cardinals Carlo Caffarra, Joachim Meisner, Walter Brandmüller, and Raymond Burke is mentioned. Moreover, the authors point out that Pope Francis has changed the members of the Pontifical Academy for Life to such an extent that orthodox Catholic experts have been replaced by heterodox experts, such as Father Maurizio Chiodi.

Addressing the bishops of the world – among whom are to be found all the present 222 cardinals – the authors of the open letter express their gratitude toward those bishops who have defended Catholic doctrine by their own personal witnesses.

“We recognise with gratitude that some among you have reaffirmed the truths contrary to the heresies which we have listed, or else have warned of serious dangers threatening the Church in this pontificate,” they state. Here, the dubia cardinals, but also Cardinal Willem Eijk, are mentioned. The authors also thank Cardinal Gerhard Müller for his Manifesto of Faith.

The authors believe, however, that at this time in history, six years into the Francis pontificate, more is needed, namely a more direct and authoritative approach. They recognize their own limits when they tell the bishops: “Despite the evidence that we have put forward in this letter, we recognise that it does not belong to us to declare the pope guilty of the delict of heresy in a way that would have canonical consequences for Catholics.”

“We therefore appeal to you as our spiritual fathers, vicars of Christ within your own jurisdictions and not vicars of the Roman pontiff, publicly to admonish Pope Francis to abjure the heresies that he has professed. Even prescinding from the question of his personal adherence to these heretical beliefs, the Pope’s behaviour in regard to the seven propositions contradicting divinely revealed truth, mentioned at the beginning of this Letter, justifies the accusation of the delict of heresy. It is beyond a doubt that he promotes and spreads heretical views on these points. Promoting and spreading heresy provides sufficient grounds in itself for an accusation of the delict of heresy. There is, therefore, superabundant reason for the bishops to take the accusation of heresy seriously and to try to remedy the situation,” they state.

The authors make it clear that it is up to the bishops to take action and that they do not need a majority among the bishops to do so.

“Since Pope Francis has manifested heresy by his actions as well as by his words, any abjuration must involve repudiating and reversing these actions, including his nomination of bishops and cardinals who have supported these heresies by their words or actions. Such an admonition is a duty of fraternal charity to the Pope, as well as a duty to the Church,” they state.

“If – which God forbid! – Pope Francis does not bear the fruit of true repentance in response to these admonitions, we request that you carry out your duty of office to declare that he has committed the canonical delict of heresy and that he must suffer the canonical consequences of this crime,” they add.



Thus, the authors state, “these actions do not need to be taken by all the bishops of the Catholic Church, or even by a majority of them. A substantial and representative part of the faithful bishops of the Church would have the power to take these actions.”

The full 20-page document may be read here. A select bibliography to support the case made in the open letter to the bishops of the Catholic Church about Pope Francis’ heresies may be read here.

A petition launched by the organizers of the open letter to support their initiative can be found here. READ MORE

Now The End Begins is your front line defense against the rising tide of darkness in the last days before the Rapture of the Church

HOW TO DONATE: Click here to view our GoFundMe page

When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in goes primarily to the building of the recording studio, but it also goes to the overall daily operations of this site. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out at no charge. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. Even all the way to South Africa. We even restarted our weekly radio Bible study on Sunday nights again, thanks to your generous donations.



But whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Time is short and we need your help right now. If every one of the 12,832 people on our daily mailing list gave $4.50, we would reach our goal immediately. If every one of our 151,781 followers on Facebook gave $1.00 each, we would reach 300% of our goal. The same goes for our 14,000 followers on Twitter. But sadly, many will not give, so we need the ones who can and who will give to be generous. As generous as possible.

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJV)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

HOW TO DONATE: Click here to view our GoFundMe page




Artificial Intelligence

End Times Villain Bill Gates Says That AI Will Replace Humans In ‘Most Things’ Who Will No Longer Be Needed In The Coming Dystopian Future




Bill Gates: Within 10 years, AI will replace many doctors and teachers—humans won’t be needed ‘for most things’

At the end of the 19th century, there was an explosion of technology that was unprecedented in human history, as if a spirit had risen and had given man a form of wisdom not previously possessed. This massive increase in available knowledge was prophesied in the book of Daniel and guess what? We again experiencing a level of unprecedented intelligence and this time it’s the artificial kind. AI is preparing this world to receive the counterfeit king the Bible calls Antichrist, and predictably, Bill Gates is front and center in the end times action.

“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12:4 (KJB)

Christian, we are living in the most technologically-advanced civilization of all time, but you’d do well to put your nose deep into your King James Bible, the scripture of truth, if you want to find out what’s really going on. The book of James 3:13-18 (KJB) tells us that there is a wisdom that comes from above and is pure, peaceable and gentle. That’s the Bible and the Holy Spirit. But there is another wisdom that is not from above, but is earthly, sensual and devilish. That’s AI and the tech titans. Can you tell the difference between the two? You can if you have a King James Bible and the Holy Spirit.

Over the next decade, advances in artificial intelligence will mean that humans will no longer be needed “for most things” in the world, says Bill Gates.

FROM CNBC: That’s what the Microsoft co-founder and billionaire philanthropist told comedian Jimmy Fallon during an interview on NBC’s “The Tonight Show” in February. At the moment, expertise remains “rare,” Gates explained, pointing to human specialists we still rely on in many fields, including “a great doctor” or “a great teacher.”

But “with AI, over the next decade, that will become free, commonplace — great medical advice, great tutoring,” Gates said.

In other words, the world is entering a new era of what Gates called “free intelligence” in an interview last month with Harvard University professor and happiness expert Arthur Brooks. The result will be rapid advances in AI-powered technologies that are accessible and touch nearly every aspect of our lives, Gates has said, from improved medicines and diagnoses to widely available AI tutors and virtual assistants.

“It’s very profound and even a little bit scary — because it’s happening very quickly, and there is no upper bound,” Gates told Brooks.

The debate over how, exactly, most humans will fit into this AI-powered future is ongoing. Some experts say AI will help humans work more efficiently — rather than replacing them altogether — and spur economic growth that leads to more jobs being created.

Others, like Microsoft AI CEO Mustafa Suleyman, counter that continued technological advancements over the next several years will change what most jobs look like across nearly every industry, and have a “hugely destabilizing” impact on the workforce.

“These tools will only temporarily augment human intelligence,” Suleyman wrote in his book “The Coming Wave,” which was published in 2023. “They will make us smarter and more efficient for a time, and will unlock enormous amounts of economic growth, but they are fundamentally labor replacing.” READ MORE

Now The End Begins is your front line defense against the rising tide of darkness in the last Days before the Rapture of the Church

When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out at no charge. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. We have a Gospel Billboard program. We are now broadcasting Bible studies, Podcasts and a Sunday Service 5 times a week, thanks to your generous donations. All this is possible because YOU pray for us, YOU support us, and YOU give so we can continue growing.


But whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Time is short and we need your help right now. The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Please pray for our efforts, and if the Lord leads you to donate, be as generous as possible. The war is REAL, the battle HOT and the time is SHORTTO THE FIGHT!!!

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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Free Bible Program

Sleek New $143 Million Maine Correctional Center In Windham Has Everything But King James Bibles As Chaplain Issues Request For Assistance




Sleek new $143 million Maine Correctional Center in Windham opens after four years of construction with everything but King James Bibles and we’re fixing that

The new Maine Correctional Center in Windham officially opened in 2023 on the grounds of the former prison, which was more than 100 years old. The new facility is a medium security facility with a capacity of 566 male residents and 54 female residents, not including the Women’s Center. It looks more like a hotel than like a prison, is equipped with all the latest amenities, and provides ample opportunities for education, rehabilitation, and treatment services for all of the incarcerated population. Sounds pretty good. What doesn’t it have? King James Bibles, and we’re fixing that.

Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?” Ecclesiastes 8:4 (KJB)

Chaplain Daniel reached out to us a few days ago and said “I have many unmet requests for KJV Bibles in this facility and I am looking for resources that may help meet this need. Thank you.” You can look all you like, but organizations that will send out large print full King James Bibles are few and far between. That’s why God raised up Bibles Behind Bars, to meet the ‘unmet requests’ for King James Bibles that come from so many jail and prison chaplains across the country. Come help us to send out a couple hundred KJVs to Chaplain Daniel at the Maine Correctional Center, Chaplain Lison at the Sweetwater County Detention Center in Wyoming, and all the others who write to us on a regular basis looking for help from Florida all the way up to Alaska. We need you!

If God has prospered you, please take a moment to click on the donate button to help us in this monumental task of providing King James Bibles, New Testaments, scripture portions, gospel tracts as well as Spanish Bibles to inmates in jails and prisons from Florida to Alaska, and every state in between. We need your prayers, we need your generous financial support, and we need you to stand with us in the closing days of the Church Age. Thank you so very much, TO THE FIGHT!!!

NOTE: If you need a 501 C3 Letter of Donation for tax purposes, please send your donation to:

NTEB Ministries
1340 N Great Neck Rd.
Ste. 1272-129
Virginia Beach, VA 23454.

Now The End Begins is your front line defense against the rising tide of darkness in the last Days before the Rapture of the Church

When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out at no charge. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. We have a Gospel Billboard program. We are now broadcasting Bible studies, Podcasts and a Sunday Service 5 times a week, thanks to your generous donations. All this is possible because YOU pray for us, YOU support us, and YOU give so we can continue growing.


But whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Time is short and we need your help right now. The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Please pray for our efforts, and if the Lord leads you to donate, be as generous as possible. The war is REAL, the battle HOT and the time is SHORTTO THE FIGHT!!!

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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European Union

European Union Chief Tells All 27 Member States To Prepare For World War 3 With Supplies And ‘Survival Kits’ As War With Russia Grows Ever Closer




The European Union is ready to order all of its citizens to prepare survival kits with 72-hours worth of supplies in the face of a looming World War 3 threat as NATO warned Russia it faces a “devastating” revenge strike if they attack any part of the EU

With each passing day, the drumbeats of war grow louder and louder as a military conflict between the European Union and Russia now seems unavoidable. NTEB has told you from the beginning of the war in Ukraine, that Putin is not trying to win the war, his goal is to keep it percolating at a nice, little simmer until he can draw everyone else into it. Last week, it was just the nation of France issuing the World War 3 ‘Survival Guide’, and today it’s all 27 member states who will get them. That’s progress, and that’s the memo.

“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Psalm 9:17 (KJB)

The headlines are also blaring a possible coming conflict between the United States and Iran, warning signs include but not limited to military buildup, Iranian proxies, sanctions, military muscle flexing, and imposed deadlines. The Trump administration seems intent on two things at the moment. One, they want to impose a ‘peace deal’ on Ukraine negotiated with the Russian without Ukraine input, and two, a military conflict in the Middle East. In the meantime, Putin sits fat and happy watching the rest of the world readjusting itself to suit his agenda.               

EU to order ALL citizens to ready WW3 survival kits as NATO warns Putin faces ‘devastating’ revenge if he attacks Europe

FROM THE SUN US: European Union bureaucrats are pushing for every household in the 27-nation bloc to prepare the kit for war and natural disasters. It is expected that will be part of a union’s broader “preparedness strategy” amid the threat from Russia. Key items they will ask the bloc’s 450 million citizens to gather includes water, energy bars and a flashlight.

And meanwhile, NATO boss Rutte issued one of his strongest rebukes to Putin yet as he vowed a “fierce” response to any attack on Europe. Speaking in Warsaw, Poland, the ex-Dutch Prime Minister warned of any settlement to end the war in Ukraine that would be “favourable” to Putin.

He said: “Eastern Europe fear such an outcome would allow Russian President Vladimir Putin to rebuild his country’s forces and threaten other countries in the region in the coming year.”

“If anyone were to miscalculate and think they can get away with an attack on Poland or on any other ally, they will be met with the full force of this fierce alliance. Our reaction will be devastating.”

“This has to be very clear to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and anyone else who wants to attack us.”

Rutte’s comments come as Europe has been put on notice by the White House – with new US President Donald Trump determined to find a quick end to the war in Ukraine and putting Europe on notice. Trump is calling on Britain and the EU to up their military spending so they no longer have to “rely” on the US for protection.

Elsewhere, in a chilling show of force, the Kremlin fired the cruise missiles from its Ufa attack sub in the Sea of Japan. Russian state media boasted claims that the missiles hit a land target over 620 miles away in the Khabarovsk region, as well as a naval target. And after the agreement yesterday of a ceasefire in the Black Sea, both Russia and Ukraine accused the other of breaching the deal.

President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Moscow of “manipulations and threats” and warning: “We don’t believe them. The world really doesn’t believe Russia.” Zelensky added: “Unfortunately, even now, even today, on the very day of negotiations, we see how the Russians have already begun to manipulate.” READ MORE

Now The End Begins is your front line defense against the rising tide of darkness in the last Days before the Rapture of the Church

When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out at no charge. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. We have a Gospel Billboard program. We are now broadcasting Bible studies, Podcasts and a Sunday Service 5 times a week, thanks to your generous donations. All this is possible because YOU pray for us, YOU support us, and YOU give so we can continue growing.


But whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Time is short and we need your help right now. The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Please pray for our efforts, and if the Lord leads you to donate, be as generous as possible. The war is REAL, the battle HOT and the time is SHORTTO THE FIGHT!!!

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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