Eternal Security (Spanish)


The eternal security of the born-again believer is established as Bible doctrine for this age, and every major Biblical reference is covered.

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Eternal Security

Author:  Dr. Peter S. Ruckman

Pages: 98, Gluebound


The eternal security of the born-again believer is established as Bible doctrine for this age, and every major Biblical reference is covered.

Additional information

Weight .4 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × 8.5 × .25 in

1 review for Eternal Security (Spanish)

  1. Kyle Gorzell (verified owner)

    This past weekend, while Street Preaching in Louisiana, I had a car pull up to the intersection with two young men inside. As they were looking over at me, I began to make conversation and question them from the roadside. Long behold, after asking them several questions, I quickly found out that they only spoke Spanish.

    Do I speak Spanish? No… Do I understand Spanish? No… Did I want the opportunity to tell these young men about the Lord Jesus Christ? Yes!

    Without hesitation, I walked out into the intersection and handed one of the men this book by Dr. Peter Ruckman on Eternal Security [in Spanish]. As I handed the book to him, I told both young men the only Spanish I could, which was “Confia en Jesucristo”, which translated to English, means “Trust in Jesus Christ”.

    As they drove off, I praised the Lord with gratitude for the opportunity He had opened up. Though simple, I did not want to pass up the opportunity to do what I could unto the Lord, despite me not speaking [or understanding] the Spanish language.

    Time is urgent, tomorrow is not promised, and eternity lasts forever! If you’re saved, the time is now to get out and get something done for the Lord Jesus Christ. Before “the judgment seat of Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:10), you’ll be very glad you did!

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