“I’m going to have to rewire my self so that when I see somebody out in the world who’s not wearing a mask, I don’t instantly...
As Israel celebrates 73 years of being prophetically regathered, Hamas rockets are flying and the IDF is preparing to invade the Gaza Strip.
Pretend President Joe Biden on Thursday celebrated the federal government’s new guidance on mask-wearing as 'a great milestone', but only if you've been vaccinated.
Emmanuel Macron has spoken Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and will speak soon with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine Announces Million-Dollar Lottery for Adults Who Have Gotten Vaccinated With COVID Jab.
The Israeli military is prepared to continue with its strikes on Hamas and a military ground invasion of the Gaza Strip to stop the rockets.
Whole sections of the nation of Israel are have been placed in a state of emergency, as Temple Mount riots have led to rocket strikes.
The policies of the Biden administration have inadvertently contributed to the lethal round of hostilities in Israel and Gaza by Hamas.
Joe Biden and his Green New Deal minions have no replacement for fossil fuels, just a hatred of American independence.
Israel launched deadly air strikes on Gaza Monday in response to a barrage of rockets fired by Hamas and other Palestinian militants
Canadian COVID Gestapo waited until after Saturday services to arrest Christian Pastor Artur Pawlowski, and did so on a public highway.
We are looking at the incredible powder keg that is Jerusalem right now, and how the Abraham Accords could impact the entire situation like never before.
Tonight we are looking at the New Jerusalem from Revelation 21 which our apostle Paul tells us is the 'mother of us all" if you're saved,
Melinda Gates was supposedly concerned with her soon-to-be ex-husband Bill Gates’ relationship with disgraced financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein
A former Olympic weightlifter claims that female athletes are being told to “be quiet” about transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard ahead of his Olympic debut.
In Mark 3, we have the account of the man with the withered hand who is asked by Jesus to do something impossible in order to...
Solomon clearly puts the timing of when the Beloved comes for the Bride as being at a time of year, right after winter, when everything is...
Insane Democrats and the CDC cancelling Mother's Day with terms like birthing people as Antichrist spirit descends over America to destroy her
Violent clashes broke out at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Friday, the last day of Ramadan, as Border Police close Damascus Gate.
Today on the Prophecy News Podcast, we are looking at the incredible satanic connection between 666, the COVID vaccine and the vaccination passports.
Jared Kushner is founding the 'Abraham Accords Institute for Peace' to work on the Two State Solution and rebuilding the Jewish Temple.
Researchers in Germany say the touch of a humanoid robot makes people happier and more likely to follow their requests as cyborgs.
The CIA has been mocked from all sides for posting a recruitment video which has been accused of being 'full of woke Leftist propaganda'.
Iran releases horrifying fake propaganda video showing the US Capitol blow up as GOP senate pushes pretend president Joe Biden to take action.