Black Lives Matter rioters tear down statues of Union general Ulysses S. Grant and National Anthem lyricist Francis Scott Key on Juneteenth Friday.
Pope Francis has given the Virgin Mary three new titles, the Vatican announced Saturday, which will be added to the Catholic Church’s traditional 'Litany of Loreto'
ABC's Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday announced he will be taking the summer off after facing criticism over wearing blackface in a recurring skit on The Man Show.
COVID-19 has spotlighted the promise of transhumanism, the idea of using AI technology to overcome sickness, aging and death and achieve eternal life.
Juneteenth is the oldest nationally-celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery of blacks in the United States, it began in Galveston, Texas in 1867.
Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy says white people should find black strangers, go up to them, and shine their shoes to show repentance for their sins of racism.
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are taking a very close-up look at the identity and mission of the 144,000 which many groups claim they...
CDC liar Fauci tells Major League Baseball not to play into October, hints that a second lockdown might be coming while also denying it at the...
Like their Marxist comrades, ANTIFA seeks to destroy the American emphasis on liberty under law and bring revival of one of history’s most repressive ideologies.
The Palestinian mayor of Abu Dis in the West Bank says that implementation of annexation of Judea and Samaria by Israel has already begun. Trump Peace...
NBC reported that Google confirmed it financially blacklisted two sites known for criticism of the left: conservative commentary site the Federalist and ZeroHedge.
SpaceX has permission from the US government to launch up to 42,000 StarLink satellites into orbit around the Earth, creating an internet web that will reach...
The New York Police Department is disbanding its 600 member plainclothes anti-crime unit to appease the Black Lives Matter rioters demands to defund police.
Originally calling themselves CHOP, or Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, ANTIFA forces now call it CHOP, or Capitol Hill Occupied Protests. French Revolution.
The global elites who are the evangelists of the New World Order are telling a lost and dying world to prepare themselves to receive the Mark...
Netflix began showing "Stretch Armstrong & The Flex Fighters" in 2017, and in this episode it shows people lining up to take the 'SmartMark' 666 chip.
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at the persecution the Body of Christ has endured historically, and the coming persecution and tribulation we...
Atlanta officer who fatally shot Rayshard Brooks has been terminated as the Wendy's where it happened has been burned to the ground by the angry mob.
ANTIFA forces in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle accost street preacher, mocking and laughing while he cried 'you're choking me!' in CHAZ.
So in honor of my new favorite holiday, international #ExposeBillGates day, here is an eye-popping review of Bill Gates end times nastiness for you to share
It didn’t take long to reveal the financial ties to current riots showing George Soros and Open Society Foundation directly support Black Lives Matter.
Larry Elder comments on a scheme called reparations to extract money from people who were never slave owners and give it to people who were never...
Emmanuel Macron is quitting and seeking re-election to lead France out of the coming economic slump. Order out of chaos is the motto of the New...
They lied to us about the coronavirus, they lied to us about the lockdowns, now there's riots in the streets. Here is what is coming next...