The Democratic Party wanted Joe Biden with his dementia in order have Michelle Obama become president after activating the 25th amendment and removing him.
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are going to look at Donald Trump and the Hebrides Revival, the Pretribulation Rapture and the New World Order.
First They Gave Us Coronavirus, Now Chinese Drones Are Surveilling Americans In 22 States With Captured Data Likely Sent Back To Communist China.
Microsoft who funds ID2020 files patent for the buying and selling of bitcoin cryptocurrency that works by a device attached to the human body, the Mark?
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a lifelong Democrat, on Battling COVID-19 said yesterday 'We Brought the Number Down, God Did Not Do That'
When a group calling themselves Global Citizen wants to bring you a One World 'Together At Home' concert headlined by a New Age Illuminati satanist like...
Emirates Airlines in the Middle East, is now administering COVID-19 blood tests to passengers before they board flights amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic is ushering in a new era of digital surveillance and rewiring the world’s sensibilities about data privacy.
It's time, brothers and sisters, to show the love of Jesus Christ, and use a chunk of that coronavirus stimulus check money to bless someone else...
Population control through abortion advocate Bill Gates slammed President Trump’s decision to suspend funding to the World Health Organization.
From the very beginning we have been lied to by China, by the WHO, by Bill Gates, by Anthony Fauci, by the CDC, by all of...
Satanist Madonna Announces She Is Joining The Gates Foundation COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator Program To Vaccinate Every Human Being On Earth.
Adm. Brett Giroir Details Public Health Infrastructure to Reopen America: ‘ Digital Surveillance, Coronavirus Testing, Contact Tracing’ through mobile apps.
The Global Population Just Reached 7,777,777,777 People On Earth, What A Great Time For The Pretribulation Rapture Of The Church To Take Place!
Tech Giants Like Google Begin Censoring 'Unapproved Sermons' as Bible Churches Are Forced To Hold Services Online Due To Coronavirus Lockdown.
Charismatic evangelical pastor Bishop Gerald O.Glenn died of COVID-19 coronavirus just weeks after proudly showing off how packed his Virginia church was.
The 'Out Of The Shadows' documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their...
Microsoft is promoting New Age witch Marina Abramovic who is best known for the satanic practice of spirit cooking as well as funding ID2020 Certified Mark.
Pope Francis Easter Sunday preached social justice gospel urging world leaders to enact a universal basic income for the poor and benefits of globalization.
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are opening our King James Bible to take a deep-dive into the events surrounding the resurrection of Jesus from...
The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT), at the Mount Graham International Observatory in Arizona is named Lucifer, and views Outer Space.
World Health Organization official Dr. Michael J. Ryan, an Event 201 attendee, says time for authorities to come into your home take away COVID-19 sufferers
Today we bring you the 'fizzing', 'buzzing', and the 'electric sensations' COVID-19 sufferers are reporting, and ask could be connected to 5G cell towers?
The mystery of Judas, Pope Francis said, yes, he betrayed Jesus but the bible calls him a friend. Is Judas in Hell? Pope Francis has no...