End times heretic and perpetual false teacher Kenneth Copeland of the Prosperity Gospel Movement says he is now a prophet and that COVID-19 is over.
President Trump Launches 'Project Airbridge' The Largest Medical Supply Airlift In Modern Human History To Battle The COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak.
Is the government closing down your church during the coronavirus outbreak? What if it never opens? It's time to open your bible and get back to...
President Trump on Tuesday assailed Gov. Andrew Cuomo for reportedly declining to buy 16,000 ventilators in 2015 to deal with a potential future pandemic.
The CDC will launch a new 'surveillance and data collection system' to track the spread of coronavirus in the US with funding from coronavirus stimulus bill
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, our King James Bible study will look at events related to the end times and the COVID-19 global shaking happening...
Pope Francis on Sunday backed a call by United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for an end to global conflict during Chinese coronavirus pandemic.
Pope Francis held the special Urbi et Orbi on Friday from the steps of St. Peter’s Basilica, lifting up the monstrance of the sun god, and...
Whatever you do, when Bill Gates' vaccination is ready, do not take it. For any reason. Because when it comes it will come with a digital...
When I was lost, working as an actor in Hollywood and headed for Hell, someone left a gospel tract on a picnic table. I picked it...
Charismatic false teacher Rodney Howard-Browne told his congregation they were safe in church from the coronavirus, then told them to shake hands and hug.
When it comes to #MeToo sexual misconduct issues, former Vice President Joe Biden has made it no secret where he stands: automatically believe women.
Many Christians looking at Isaiah 26:20 to see if God is showing us a promise from scripture about keeping us safe during this coronavirus pandemic.
Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a temporary form of global government to tackle the crises caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
We are watching the coronavirus pandemic being used to collapse the existing global system to make way for the coming New World Order, now the end...
Bill Gates Father, Once A Head of Planned Parenthood, Inspired His Son's Abortion And Population Control Eugenics Worldview, His Mother Created Microsoft.
Coronavirus Stimulus Package Offered By House Financial Services Committee in Congress Creates New Digital Dollar with Digital Wallet and ID.
Planned Parenthood is defying an Ohio order to discontinue elective abortions during the coronavirus pandemic, even though its abortion clinics are using up valuable personal protective equipment.
Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats seek to exploit coronavirus panic to their own gain, and to finish the transformation of America that was started with Barack...
California police to use Chinese-made DJI patrol drones with night-vision cameras during coronavirus citizen lockdown, to enforce the new rules.
During Reddit AMA On COVID-19 Coronavirus, Eugenicist Bill Gates Calls For A National Tracking System And 'Billions Of Vaccinations' To 'Protect The World'
In Stunning Reversal, Pope Francis Tells Coronavirus Quarantined Catholics They Don't Really Need A Priest To Confess Their Sins To God
Is it possible the reason why America is not mentioned in Bible prophecy is because there is an event that renders us powerless? Is coronavirus panic...
Starting tomorrow, America Will Begin Shutting Down With States Implementing A 'Stay At Home' Order In Place And Closing 'Non-Essential' Businesses.