Drag Queen Story Hour, promoted by the American Library Association, is now teaching twerking to toddlers by pedophiles wearing dresses.
Original Hillsong worship leader Marty Sampson announces he is leaving Christinity because there's not enough miracles and the bible has contradictions.
Muslims around the world are celebrating Eid al-Adha, the feast of sacrifice, and slaughtering ten millions animals as activist group PETA remains silent.
Illinois has passed a law demanding that LGBTQ+P for Pedophile history must be taught in all state schools from next year onwards.
Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has hanged himself inside his New York City jail cell, becoming the latest member of the fabled Clinton Body Count.
2020 Democratic frontrunner Creepy Joe Biden was at the Iowa State Fair on Thursday and apparently he couldn’t handle any questions asked by conservatives.
Kill every fascist,” mass shooter Connor Betts declared in 2018 on twitter, echoing a rallying cry of ANTIFA ideologues calling for violence and hate.
The ninth of Av, the date on which Jews mourn the destruction of the two Temples in Jerusalem now foxes have been spotted walking near the...
In the wake of mass shootings, Obama on Monday issued a lengthy statement urging Americans to reject leaders who feed "a climate of fear and hatred."
Liberals who decry Trump's "culture of violence" are applauding a new Hollywood movie called 'The Hunt' which targets deplorables who support the president.
The goal is to make sure LGBTQ+ ideology is, as Elly Barnes puts it, is to train public school teachers to “completely smash heteronormativity.”
President Trump addressed the nation on Monday called for a national 'Red Flag' Gun Law allowing the federal government to seize guns from citizens.
The world must turn to vegetarianism with plant-based diets to stop climate change, a United Nations report has warned. This is Gaia worship.
Isaiah prophesied about the both the First and Second Comings, the time of Jacob’s trouble, the Antichrist, the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ and the Temple...
Mass shootings, violence, drug use and all the rest are the result of God's Judgment on America for rejecting His counsel and removing Him from our...
The photo at the top of the article is me at our local post office, taking this week's gospel tract orders to be delivered around the...
Rep Elijah Cummings 7th District in Baltimore is mostly a rat infested slum where gut-wrenching poverty spills out from every corner. Trump was right again.
US Pentagon is conducting wide-area spy tests across six midwest states using experimental high-altitude surveillance balloons according to FCC documents.
Fundraiser To Help Our Longtime NTEB Helper Janette Carter Who Is Disabled And Needs Funds To Prevent Being Evicted From Her Home
Bizarre footage showing hundreds of bees dead on the floor surrounding what appeared to be two 5G cell phone towers in California has gone viral. There...
Facebook is funding mind reading brain experiments to create a device that reads your thoughts and is able to digitize them as they are captured.
Gaffe Machine Joe Biden, 76, repeatedly stumbled over numbers and phrases throughout his second Democratic presidential primary appearance Wednesday night.
Quinnipiac poll says more Americans consider Barack Obama to be the worst President since World War II than they do any other president, says Time magazine.
Human and animal hybrids are to be developed in embryo form in Japan after the government approved controversial stem-cell research.