Silicon Valley start-up Zume Pizza has nearly fully automated the process of making fresh, made-to-order pizza by using robots and AI.
Iran recently used a Star of David as a target for a ballistic missile test, Israel’s envoy to the UN Security Council said Wednesday.
The buzz from the telecommunications giant AT&T comes as CNN is being slammed for highly publicized missteps of peddling obviously fake news stories.
Mark Zuckerberg says he wants Facebook users to start playing a similar role to pastors in churches, he recently announced a new mission.
Popular “Sesame Street” character Elmo sympathized with refugee kids in an interview Monday with CNN, remarking that they are just like kids in America.
Computer experts were calling it the Petya virus, and said that it was similar to the WannaCry attack, which spread quickly across much of Asia and...
Project Veritas has released a video of CNN Producer John Bonifield caught on hidden-camera admitting that there is no proof to CNN's Russia narrative.
Trump continued hammering on the left’s obsession with Russian attempts to influence the 2016 election, criticizing Obama for failing to respond properly.
Japan issues warning over North Korea nuclear missile strike with residents told to seek shelter or lie on ground in terrifying TV broadcast
Apple’s iOS 11, with deeper integration of Siri than ever, suggests it hopes to make Siri capable of doing everything on an iPhone that we do now by...
The very fake news scandal that is engulfing CNN inside and outside the left-wing network now reaches its highest levels as even CNN president Jeff Zucker.
King Jesus saddles up the horses after the 4 Hallelujahs, and look who is riding behind Him, it's us! More proof for a Pretribulation Rapture of...
CNN has admitted it printed what President Donald Trump calls 'very fake news' and retracted a demonstrably inaccurate hit piece on the President
A Nebraska Democratic Party official was removed from his post after an audio recording surfaced of him saying he's “glad” Steve Scalise got shot.
Customers are used to smartphone bill shock, but not like this. The cost of U.S. cellular service is rapidly plunging and the consumer is benefiting.
Barack Obama is making his first campaign foray of 2017, agreeing to stump for Democrat Ralph Northam in his bid to be Virginia’s next governor.
Fifty-four-old-actor Johnny Depp found himself in hotter water than usual on Thursday for a remark against US President Donald Trump.
Transgender is an umbrella term used to cover a wide spectrum of people whose gender identity is different from the one they were assigned at birth.
Law enforcement officials around the world are on high alert this week as ISIS calls for a surge of civilian attacks during Islam’s 'Night of Power,'
President Trump is unbelievably well-positioned to fill up federal courts with lifetime judges. He inherited a whopping 108 court vacancies in January.
A committee of Washington state senators are investigating the weeks of protests, threats, and violence at The Evergreen State College in Olympia Washington
CNN analysts appeared disappointed by the results of the race between Jon Ossoff and Karen Handel before anchor Anderson Cooper cut to a break.
Jared Kushner, a 36-year-old real estate developer with little experience of international diplomacy and peace negotiations, arrived in Israel today.
Sen. John McCain in 2012 turned over nearly $9 million in unspent funds from his failed 2008 presidential campaign to a new foundation bearing his name.