"It's open faith; we're brothers," Ali Mohammad, an organizer of the mosque, tells North Carolina's News & Observer.
It has been almost a year since Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered in the nation's capital.
Now you know who the woman is. It's the nation of Israel. What part of Revelation 12 is the Church involved with? None of it.
Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton officially launched a new organization on Monday, 'Onward Together'
North Korea’s launch on Sunday of its most-sophisticated missile yet offered new clues into how serious the country is in its nuclear ambitions
On May 14, 1948, U.S. President Harry Truman recognized the newly-declared State of Israel — over the vehement objections of the State Department.
Almost 1,900 years after the birth of the biblical Mary, the Roman Catholic Church declared some startling and amazing things about her.
Half a million people attended an open-air mass in Fatima, Portugal as Pope Francis made two shepherd children who died nearly a century ago saints
The United States assesses that Iran remains about a year away from a functional nuclear missile in violation of the nuclear deal.
Ransomware attackers are using an SMB exploit leaked by the Shadow Brokers last month to fuel a massive ransomware outbreak that exploded online today.
Ahead of visit by President Trump, PM Netanyahu says Jerusalem is eternal capital of Israel and embassies should be relocated there.
Like the Jews before them, Christians are fleeing the Middle East, emptying what was once one of the world’s most-diverse regions of its ancient religions.
With the firing of James Comey from the FBI, Hillary Clinton just started looking over her shoulder, and she has very good reason to.
Aetna Inc. will leave the few remaining states where it had been selling Obamacare plans next year, making it the latest health insurer to pull to...
It was the second deadliest conflict in the world in Mexico last year, but it hardly registered in the headlines of the liberal fake news media.
The Global Food Innovation Summit paid Barack Obama a reported $3,000,000 to talk about himself, and they definitely got their money’s worth.
President Trump has fired the director of the F.B.I., James Comey, over his handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.
Let's go back to the beginning of Matthew 24 for a moment, and let's take away the entire argument that preterism is based on - 70...
Turkish dictator Recep Erdogan has called on Muslims around the world to visit Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to protect the site's Islamic identity.
The infamous hacktivist group Anonymous has released a chilling new video this weekend warning of WWIII on the horizon.
I hope this study of Scripture has helped to shed some light on how works are connected with salvation in the time of Jacob's trouble.
On Sunday Paris voters chose the moderate status-quo candidate Emmanuel Macron 90% over the fierce defender of France Marine le Pen.
The standard lazy Laodicean interpretation of the Ten Virgins is that it represents Christians who are prepared by their good works to meet Jesus.
George Soros is poured money into Google and her opponent Emmanuel Macron to stop Marine Le Pen, and today Soros has won another victory for the...