Amid much speculation, a very bitter Ted Cruz took the stage at the Republican National Convention tonight and shot himself in foot.
“You’re on fire! You’re on fire, stupid!” a Cleveland officer shouted at a protester while firing the extinguishing spray.
The folks over at seem to take issue with one group in particluar that they feel are "making us look bad", and that's Christian street...
KCTV-5 reports the officer shot in Kansas City, Kansas has died. Kansas City, Kan. Police Chief Terry Zeigler is set to speak at a news conference...
Mother and 3 Daughters In France Stabbed By Muslim Attacker For Being 'Scantily Dressed'
The sucker punch recalls the sick 'knockout game,' in which criminals try to render their victims unconscious with a single blow.
Since its inception in 1996, the Drudge Report has been a home to conservatives who feel disenfranchised by traditional media.
President Obama's top spokesman wouldn't say why the Obama administration is rejecting requests to illuminate the White House in blue to honor police officers gunned down...
The bid was defeated, thwarting the effort by the 'Never Trump' traitors to block Donald Trump's path to the nomination.
A city council meeting in Pensacola Florida opened with a satanic invocation on Thursday, July 14th, 2016.
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus welcomed delegates to the GOP Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.
China has redefined the concept of ‘statue’ with the unveiling of a colossal 1,320-ton, 58-meter-high statue of legendary general and 'God of War' Guan Yu.
Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke OBLITERATED CNN host Don Lemon tonight on the violent and deadly Black Lives Matter movement against US police officers.
A Youtube account operated by Gavin Eugene Long reveals key insight into what might have motivated the 29-year-old black man who killed three Baton Rouge police...
Fox News anchor Shepard Smith drew the ire of just about everyone on social media after he scolded former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal for saying “all...
A massive rally titled 'Together 2016' was shut down Saturday after 400 people had to be treated for heat-related illness.
Police have closed streets between Baton Rouge Police Headquarters and I-12 where law enforcement officers have been shot and killed.
And if you, like the Bush family, are a Conservative who won't vote for Donald Trump in November, you are also working to elect Hillary Clinton.
A US-based Turkish cleric accused of plotting a coup to overthrow the Ankara government has claimed President Recep Erdogan staged the rebellion himself.
The Western district of the Methodist church has elected an openly gay bishop despite the denomination's ban on same-sex relationships.
On Sunday, June 12, a Muslim terrorist carried out the largest, single mass shooting in American history.
Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was greeted by large crowds at Istanbul's main airport early Saturday, as forces loyal to him battled to fend off a...
The Turkish military claims to have taken over after Turkey's PM said a military faction had been involved in an attempted coup.
We, the American people, stand united in calling on president Barack Obama to do the right thing, and ban all trucks in the United States.