Barack Obama has appointed Barbara Satin, a man who identifies as a woman to serve on his Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships
China has warned the United States not to 'stir up any conflict' in the South China Sea and said it was ready to replay the Korean...
Hillary Clinton just said the race is ‘already done’ Democratic Party frontrunner Hillary Clinton will be the nominee. She just said: “I will be the nominee...
When you view the changes Barack Obama has made in bullet point fashion, the scope and depth is literally breathtaking.
Organizers of the Minnesota-based 'Flush Target' campaign — an outfit opposed to Target’s new policy that allows transgender men and boys to use women’s restrooms and...
The EgyptAir flight MS804 plane that crashed into the Mediterranean Sea with 66 people on board went into a sudden spin and plunged 22,000ft before vanishing...
An EgyptAir flight MS804 heading from Paris to Cairo disappeared from radar with 69 people on board, the airline said
Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton is closer to becoming her party’s nominee but farther from uniting her party behind her candidacy, as her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders...
In an interview published Tuesday with France’s La Croix, Pope Francis argued that Jesus’ call to spread the Gospel differs little from the jihad waged by...
A video which has resurfaced of a 1995 Mike Tyson fight appears to prove the existence of time travel, or so the conspiracy theorists are saying.
Barack Obama, in his official statement today glorifying the transgender lifestyle, said that he was "proud of the work" his administration had done making "LGBT rights...
U.S. Border Patrol officials are opening up the Texas border to let 4,000 Cubans in, taking about an hour to interview them and check their criminal...
The idea that Christians and Muslims can forge a new union, the fervent dream of both Rick Warren and Pope Francis - is known as the...
A Bernie Sanders spokesman told the Associated Press that the campaign had no connection to the violence at the weekend convention or the threats to the...
Details of the abduction by Iran are likely to start an uproar in the nation and call into question the Obama administration’s handling of the incident,...
Wendy's is yet another example of a company that is moving to automation. They are putting self-serve kiosks in all 6,000 of their restaurants by the...
In Donald Trump, we have a forceful advocate for America. In Hillary Clinton, we have a committed New World Order globalist. Pick one.
Today, the Obama administration said they will issue guidance on Friday forcibly directing public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms matching their gender identity.
Bruce 'Caitlyn' Jenner, who announced her transition from man to woman last year, has considered de-transitioning, the author of a new book about the Kardashian family...
Italy on Wednesday joined the rest of the Western world in extending legal recognition to same-sex relationships with parliament overwhelmingly backing gay civil unions.
The apocalypse has become big business, and it’s getting bigger every day. Today, Americans en masse are again preparing for the worst.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are effectively tied in the swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, according to the results of a Quinnipiac University survey...
Its official name is the RS-28 Sarmat missile and it will replace aging Soviet R-36M missiles, which NATO military experts nicknamed "Satan II".
Vanity Fair has weighed in on the blockbuster movie 'Captain America: Civil War' to lament the hero’s 'heterosexual virility.'