The schools are run by fighters who pledged allegiance to ISIS — the terrorist group that declared an Islamic caliphate in Iraq and Syria. They live...
The new transgender task force, made up of nine members of the House of Representatives, wants to advance the transgender community using congressional resources.
As America prepares to undergo ISIS terror attacks at the hands of phony Syrian "refugees" brought over here to kill us by the Obama administration, now...
This is WWIII, the battle has already started, the enemy is within the gates and he sits in the Oval Office. #RefugeesWelcome? No. Interesting headlines popping up...
Pope Francis said back in June that "people who make and sell guns are not Christians". Hmm, we find that both interesting and amusing because what...
Many times over the past 7 years, Barack Obama and his wife Michelle have let references to the fact that he is a Muslim just kinda...
For the first time in history, France has invoked Article 42.7 of the Lisbon Treaty to demand that all EU member nations support and join them...
Here we are, many months into the race for nomination, and Donald J. Trump remains the far-and-away Republican favorite. Trump is ahead of Ben Carson by...
End result of America's Obama-led "allied bombing" of ISIS? The Muslim terror group has nearly doubled in size, strength and power. Conclusion? Either the world's greatest...
"Moschino Barbie is so fierce!" the boy screams as he and two female friends laud the doll, done up in designer Jeremy Scott's sleek glamour.
The NY Times today reported that Donald J. Trump issued another call for more scrutiny of mosques in the United States as fresh fears of terrorism,...
As the French death metal fans were singing along with those lyrics, offering their love to Satan, the Devil responded as the Devil always does. With...
Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan and Gov. Robert Bentley of Alabama, both Republicans, issued individual statements Sunday declaring that their states would not be open to...
Tonight's Topic: The Rapture of the Church to the Start of the Tribulation. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we take a 2-hour jet ride through...
One huge point that the Paris attacks brought home was that it is impossible to peel away and separate the radicals in Islam from the so-called...
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton refused to use the term “radical Islam” at Saturday’s Democratic debate, just one day after the deadly terror attacks in Paris.
America, the handwriting is certainly on the wall, and now is the time. What happened in France will happen here, Obama's immigration policies make a Muslim...
The Obama administration is moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States by opening new screening...
Back in February of 2015, US President Barack Hussein Obama said that we are "not at war with Islam". "the notion that the West is at...
At least 18 people were killed in shooting attacks in Paris late Friday and three others were killed following several explosions at the Stade de France...
Bro. Chad's message is primarily to saved Christians who have experienced in their Christian lives what it is like to be burned out, burdened down and...
After months of fretting, police finally introduced border controls against Muslim migrants on the Swedish side of the bridge: the latest symbol of Europe’s unravelling free...
Vladimir Putin has deployed the advanced SA-21 'Growler' anti-aircraft missile defense system to Syria with a range capable of taking down jets as far away as...
Less than three months before the kick-off Iowa caucuses, there is growing anxiety bordering on panic among Republican elites about the dominance and durability of Donald...