For all her populist rhetoric against hedge-funders and the like, Clinton has received more donations from Wall Street CEOs than any candidate in the GOP —...
In this live, 2-hour episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at a place called Hell. We will show you it's exact location, it's precise temperature, what...
Muslims commemorate the Day of Ashura by carrying out brutal acts of self-flagellation, others slap their chests and chant, and some take part in 'street plays'....
Faith healer Rod Parsley has been diagnosed with throat cancer, and he doing a strange thing. Instead of having someone in his church with the "anointing"...
The three-week Vatican gathering, known as a synod, has erupted into a theological slugfest over Pope Francis vision for a more inclusive church, displaying the most...
This "new song" tells you exactly who this crowd of people in Revelation 5 is, for it can be no other. It is the only group...
Every minute of every day, 2.1 Muslim migrants legally enter our borders and are given legal immigrant status by the Obama administration. Thats’ 3,024 Muslims every...
The King James Bible is the most widely read work in English literature, a masterpiece of translation whose stately cadences and transcendent phrases have long been...
Today, the United States and Russia signed a memorandum of understanding that includes steps their pilots should take in order to avoid inadvertent clashes in the...
Former President Jimmy Carter said recently that he provided maps of Islamic State positions in Syria to the Russian embassy in Washington, a move apparently at...
When Muslims arrive in a new land, in America and elsewhere, they are small in number and they keep to themselves. But as their numbers grow,...
This video was shot by either ISIS militants or Syrian rebels who were attempting to engage the fast-flying Russian fighter jet today on the battlefield in...
In this live, 2-hour show we show you from the Bible how God wrote it, who He wrote it to, and how to apply what's written...
Mr Danon held up a piece of card with a diagram of a human body entitled "How to Stab a Jew", which he claims is "an...
A lot of lost people won't stop to listen to gospel preaching, but nearly everyone wants to take the intelligence test. People love a challenge and...
“Let me be crystal clear — Israel will not agree to any international presence on the Temple Mount. Such a presence would be a change in...
In these distressing images, a bloodied Israeli IDF soldier lies wounded beside a knife-wielding Palestinian who was shot dead after disguising himself as a member of...
Palestinians torched Joseph's Tomb, revered by Jews in the West Bank overnight in an incident that threatened to further inflame over two weeks of deadly unrest,...
In Laminin, the trimeric proteins form a cross with one long arm, giving a structure that can bind to other cell membrane and extracellular matrix molecules.
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has revealed a video of a secret military base consisting of numerous underground tunnels. The exact location is unknown but the...
Russian President Vladimir Putin continued a war of words with Obama and the U.S. over Syria, calling its policy weak and lacking in objectives as his...
A bizarre experiment with magnets claims to be able to make Christians no longer believe in God and make Britons open their arms to migrants in...
Around 20 Syrian Muslim migrants have filed a case against the Berlin state Government demanding immediate access to shelter and benefits after waiting for more than...
Eight Israelis and 30 Palestinians-- including 13 identified by Israel as attackers -- have died in a month of unrest, with dozens of other people wounded.