Sony Pictures underwent a massive breach of their online systems in November, resulting in incredible embarrassment and the cancellation of various scheduled movie premiers.
It was revealed today that ISIS has been recruiting foreign doctors for months to harvest the internal organs not only from the bodies of their own...
The Lake Worth, Florida City Council allowed atheist Preston Smith to lead them in the opening prayer to Satan.
So just for fun tonight, I paid a visit to Joel Osteen's Twitter account and read through every text for the past year.
Israel announced on Sunday the discovery of a major offshore gas field, the third to be located in its waters in the past five years, augmenting...
The Holy See received Delegations of the two countries in the Vatican last October and provided its good offices to facilitate a constructive dialogue on delicate...
The attack took place near the Ein al-Asad base, which includes close to 100 U.S. military advisers. The U.S. troops, armed with “light and medium weapons,”...
Russia’s government is in the midst of a full-scale war to preserve the value of the ruble as a plummeting oil price has led to billions...
'It's time for a new approach.' 'We will begin to normalize relations' between the U.S. and Cuba, Obama said today.
Taliban terrorists stormed the Army Public school in Peshawar, in north-west Pakistan, and committed the horrific act as well as detonating a suicide bomb which killed...
The gathering was organized by the Israeli Christian Recruitment Forum, whose spiritual leader, Father Gabriel Naddaf, was singled out repeatedly by Netanyahu for his untiring efforts...
The US Department of State announced on its website that the Obama administration has approved over 9,000 Muslim immigrants, hand-selected by the United Nations, for admission...
And it is not confined only to an attack on Christmas. 2014 has seen an tremendous increase in the advance of the LGBT Movement's agenda, a...
When Tarrant, Alabama Police Officer William Stacy was called to the Dollar General store on Saturday, December 6, he wasn’t especially surprised.
Not only does Lucius II invoke graphic images of violence and horror, it places the user in the role of Antichrist.
If you are one of the 40 million Americans who take an aspirin every day, you may want to heed the latest warning from the US...
Man is also a trinity. You and were created in the fallen image of Adam and Eve, and we are composed of three parts. Body, soul...
We begin the story of Hanukkah during the reign of the Greek king, Alexander the Great. Alexander conquered Syria, Egypt and the Land of Israel and...
The Air Force’s operational command bunker in Tel Aviv — commonly known as “the pit” — is nearing the end of a multi-million dollar upgrade, funded...
They march in their thousands every Monday evening, wave German national flags and angrily protest against "criminal asylum seekers" and the "Islamisation" of their home country.
Wearers of the of the Cicret bracelet will be able to check an email or watch a film that’s projected onto their forearm, and control the...
The United States Senate will deliberate Friday on the massive “cromnibus” spending bill to fund the federal government through September 2015 as the activist wings of...
Many ex-gays will tell you that at one point in their life they thought they were “born gay.”, PFOX states. The reality is that no scientific...
There are no verses in the bible that even hints that the soul of an animal goes to Heaven when it dies. In fact, there is...