"What difference, at this point, does it make?" Clinton shouted, seemingly losing her cool.
“I want to thank the millions of Israeli citizens who exercised their democratic right today,” said Netanyahu in the statement that was posted to his Facebook...
As for Christian churches embracing these methods, there are many missionaries and leaders who will try to cover up their IM connections from their congregants
The documentary After Tiller is named for him and focuses on the few remaining doctors who perform abortions in the third trimester of a pregnancy.
Netanyahu and his two sons headed to the Wailing Wall, where the prime minister placed a note that read: "With God's help, for the future of...
We were told that because we were Muslim we would not be killed, and it was only the Christians they were after.
Newsweek celebrated President Obama's upcoming inauguration with a "cover" that calls the event "the second coming," an apparent reference to the return of Jesus Christ
ALGIERS, Algeria — In what could be the first spillover from France’s intervention in Mali, Islamist militants attacked and occupied a natural gas complex partly operated...
White House Press Sec'y Jay Carney announced today that President Obama, surrounded by children, will unveil a “concrete package” of gun control proposals including assault weapons...
The TV sets have a special camera mounted on top of them to spot people - and the remote control can also recognize people from their...
An American-Iranian pastor imprisoned in Tehran since September may face hanging because of his Christian faith. Saeed Abedini sent a letter to his family Jan. 10...
The group, named Citadel, intends to purchase 2,000 to 3,000 acres for the project in western Idaho. The community will comprise of 3,500 to 7,000 families...
President Obama has signed a bill that would afford him armed Secret Service protection for life, at the same time he wants to take your guns...
Facebook is now giving you the option to pay a hefty $100 to send a message directly to a total stranger's inbox.
Astronomers have discovered the largest known structure in the universe, a clump of active galactic cores that stretches 4 billion light-years from end to end.
In remarks with Afghan president Hamid Karzai at the White House this afternoon, President Barack Obama said the U.S. has fallen "short of the ideal" in...
As the nation’s very first FEMA Corps members, you are helping write a new chapter in the history of national service.
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in...
What if you could dramatically speed up your computing by moving your cursor exclusively with your eyes? A company called Tobii is transforming the way we...
Cathedral officials says the church will be among the first to implement a new rite of marriage for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender members. The church...
"The president is going to act," said Biden, giving some comments to the press before a meeting with victims of gun violence. "There are executives orders,...
The U.N. Department of Peacekeeping is planning for the first time to deploy a fleet of its own surveillance drones in missions in Central and West...
Planned Parenthood reveals that under Obama it performed 333,964 abortions in 2011 – a record year for the organization.
An Egyptian magazine claims that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy.