Over 250 billion barrels of recoverable oil are in Israel and that’s a conservative estimate. To put that in perspective, Saudi Arabia has about 250 billion...
A bicycle made almost entirely of cardboard has the potential to change transportation habits from the world's most congested cities to the poorest reaches of Africa,...
‘We continue to see a growing demand for Islamic banking and for cards that are Shariah-compliant in accordance with the tenets of the Islamic faith.’
A protest by 10,000 Muslims outside the offices of Google in London today is just the first in an orchestrated attempt to force the company to...
The proposal by the European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association could force websites like Google, Facebook and Netflix to pay fees to network operators around the world.
A Mexican telecom mogul who is one of President Obama's top donors are both getting even richer from the U.S. government program that supplies so-called "Obamaphones"...
#joebiden is rambling like that crazy drunk uncle you always avoided at Thanksgiving. How have we survived 4 years of this stupidity?
The supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, from which Egypt’s President Mohamed Morsi emanated, called on Thursday for a jihad (holy war) to liberate Jerusalem from...
Masked gunmen shot dead a Yemeni security chief on his way to work at the U.S. embassy in Sanaa on Thursday, in an attack a Yemeni...
The RFID tag system popularly known as “Tag and Track” is being sold to schools system across the country by a variety of vendors, including AIM...
The United States has sent military troops to the Jordan-Syria border to bolster that country's military capabilities in the event that violence escalates along its border...
Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday pronounced a blessing in Arabic in front of 20,000 pilgrims on St Peter's Square -- the first time the language has...
As a student at Harvard Law School, then-bachelor Barack Obama’s practice of wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger puzzled his colleagues.
Hernandez says subjecting herself to constant monitoring by way of wearing a RFID chip is comparable to clothing herself in the “mark of the beast.”
Al-Qaeda is rebuilding in Iraq and has set up training camps for insurgents in the nation's western deserts as the extremist group seizes on regional instability...
The lie is that the U.S. military has tamed the Taliban, said CBS News reporter Lara Logan at the Better Government Association annual luncheon last Tuesday.
The Iranian-Israeli war is already at hand. Iran launched it by sending an unmanned drone into Israeli air space Saturday, Oct. 6, breaking new ground in...
Tebow tweeted "Looking forward to giving God all the glory in tonight's 666th Monday Night Football game. Romans 8:37-39."
Einstein said "The Word of God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but...
The black middle class, which since the recession and slow recovery has suffered massive decreases in wealth and high rates of home foreclosures. Blacks overall are...
Israeli warplanes, self-propelled artillery and short-range missiles attacked Hamas and Jihad Islami positions and command posts in the Gaza Strip early Monday, Oct. 8, shortly after...
US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney plans to declare his commitment to the notion of "a democratic, prosperous Palestinian state.
Detroit is America’s most violent city, its homicide rate is the highest in the country and yet the Detroit Police Department is grossly understaffed.
The number of gay and bisexual characters on scripted broadcast network TV is at its highest-ever level in the season ahead, according to the Gay &...