Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany announced plans for a massive boost in defense spending in historic policy shift in Germany triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
When Saul's vision was restored, his new eyesight was now recalibrated for the 'long look' into eternity, and nothing would ever be easy or the same...
Volodymyr Zelenskyy has rallied the people of Ukraine, but will it be enough to hold off the Red Army of Putin's storm troopers from Kyiv?
The Ukraine skies lit up with fire tonight as Russian forces launched a devastating attack on fuel depots as Putin soldiers march to Kyiv.
Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine echoes Adolf Hitler’s takeover of the Rhineland and Czechoslovakia during the Nazi occupation.
Vladimir Putin has a secret that not many people know about. It is a spiritual secret and the reason why he must have Kyiv back under...
American president Joe Biden was unable to answer press questions about Russian sanctions, and yet again turned his back and walked away.
Moscow said they no longer recognize the sovereignty of Israel over the Golan Heights and Jerusalem, just before attack on Ukraine yesterday.
Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine and gave a chilling warning to its allies in the West in an early Thursday morning address in...
Putin declares ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine as explosions heard in Kyiv, sparking fears of WWIII and perhaps even worse.
Ezekiel 38 and 39, both chapters dealing directly with Gog and Magog, are actually showing you two different wars one thousand years apart.
Putin bring Ukraine "back to Russia" is almost exactly what Hitler said about "restoring the Rhineland" back to Germany in 1936.
As Trump praises Putin, three Russian guided-missile cruisers have been arrayed across the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea off Ukraine.
Professor Yuval Harari warned of the coming global DNA data collection in 2018 at the World Economic Forum, and then the global pandemic hit. Coincidence?
As Hitler before him restored Germany, Vladimir Putin is bent on restoring the former glory of the Soviet Union by taking Ukraine.
The Canadian Parliament voted Monday night to approve Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s motion to invoke the Emergencies Act by a vote of 185 for and 151...
Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered troops into Ukraine on Monday, just hours after he formally recognized the independence of two Moscow-backed breakaway regions.
We are so excited to announce an expansion of our NTEB Gospel Witness Billboard Program here in 2022, and have our sights set on places like...
CDC now admits that those COVID-19 nose swab tests harvested your DNA to be used in genomic sequencing tests, what else are they hiding?
Stealing promises God made to the Jews, be they positive or negative, is Replacement Theology and no Christian should ever be doing this.
The US has intelligence that Russian commanders have already received their orders from Putin to invade Ukraine and take capital Kyiv.
How Mary of Bethany withstood satanic opposition to "do what she could" in service to the Lord Jesus Christ with her alabaster box of ointment.
Obergruppenführer Trudeau orders his Storm Troopers to smash truck windows and throw Freedom Convoy members in jail for protesting.
Scotland Stops Releasing Death and Hospitalization Figures by Vaccination Status, Says Truth Seeking Anti-Vaxxers Are 'Misusing Them'