Moses and the Jews crossing at the Red Sea is a rich harvest field indeed for end times Bible prophecy leading to Antichrist and Revelation.
The English Standard Bible is getting quite popular with Laodicean Christians, but how does it compare with the God-honored King James?
The new book from Bill Gates is called How to Prevent the Next Pandemic, and it will take forever mRNA injections and global surveillance.
Pope Francis gave his first interview to Italian talk show 'Che Tempo Che Fa' Sunday night, asking viewers to send him “good thoughts, good vibes.”
Iran unveiled their new 'Khaibar Shekan' missile Wednesday that can reach both US bases in the region and targets inside its archfoe Israel.
King Justin Trudeau is stoking division in Canada for branding anti-mandate trucker protesters of the Freedom Convoy as 'swastika wavers'.
AT&T Commercial Star Milana Vayntrub: ‘I Am Grateful for the Beautifully Boring Abortion I Had’ calls for Supreme Court to act.
With 2022 midterms elections on the horizon, Democrat-controlled states are moving to end mask mandates to avoid coming bloodbath at polls.
Emmanuel Macron flies to Moscow on Monday in bid to persuade Russian President Vladimir Putin to dial down tensions with Ukraine.
Just look at all the double vaxxed and boosted celebrities dropping dead and passing out for no apparent reason, but there is a reason.
Satan has positioned his followers in every walk of human endeavor, in every industry, and they control the news, music, science, education and art of the...
When DL Moody was dying, he looked up to Heaven and said, "Earth is receding, heaven is opening, this is my coronation day! It is glorious!"
French President Emmanuel Macron announced this week that France would double financial support for Roman Catholic schools in the Middle East.
The Vatican opened its first embassy in the United Arab Emirates in Abu Dhabi to celebrate International Day of Human Fraternity of Chrislam.
The Winter Olympics kicked off in Beijing with a summit between Russia and China standing against NATO and the Biden government in the US.
Facebook Meta stock lost $200 billion in value in one of the biggest stock drops in history, as users flee for freer sites like Tik Tok.
The Declaration of Human Fraternity Festival will start tomorrow in Abu Dhabi, but it's actually the One World Religion of Chrislam.
As The Days Of Noah Were: Part 3 of Interview with Geoffrey Grider of Now The End Begins exclusively on The Soul Trap with Pastor Joel...
'Walkaway Joe' Biden authorized an air strike on Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi that resulted in killing 4 women and 6 children also.
We are so very excited to be holding the 2nd Annual NTEB Camp Meeting Weekend here in beautiful Saint Augustine Florida, and you are invited to...
Jesus Christ is not an angel per se, as angels are created beings, but He shows up as an Angel in an appearance of Jehovah God.
Very fake news CNN President Jeff Zucker resigns over consensual relationship with key lieutenant on Wednesday as scandals pile up.
Click to watch the interview with The Soul Trap that YouTube refused to allow because it rips the mask off the current global conspiracy here at...
President Joe Biden and his White House staff live in a daily fear of him catching COVID even though he is double-vaxxed and booster. Why?