Companies in North America added a record number of robots in the first nine months of this year as they rushed to replace humans.
The Nazi 'Der Ahnenpass' required of all Germans has much in common with the COVID Vaccination Passport now being forced on people in 2021.
Pope Francis Says Global Reset Is Real: No ‘Return to Normality’ After the Pandemic, The Only Way Forward Is To Create A New World Order.
Thanks to your support, we are blanketing downtown Saint Augustine with NTEB Gospel Witness Billboards inviting lost people to get saved!
In Revelation 20, we are presented with a magnificent and terrifying scene the Bible calls the great white throne judgment, this is Part 2.
People who refuse the Covid-19 vaccines are “criminals” and have cost “millions of lives,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said Tuesday.
The Joe Biden vaccine mandate is the 21st-century equivalent of the Nazi Yellow Star, and needs to be rejected and resisted by everyone.
Woke Microsoft is now encouraging employees to begin presentations by stating their race, gender, personal pronouns and color of clothing.
Astroworld Fest 2021 was a ritual Satanic blood sacrifice of 8 souls conducted by Travis Scott to inaugurate the opening of the Metaverse.
In Revelation 20, we are presented with a magnificent and terrifying scene the Bible calls the great white throne judgment, and it is awesome.
Communist China’s military buildup and its push to develop nuclear-capable missiles is unnerving Congress and U.S. defense officials alike. Ahh, those pesky ‘kings of the east’,...
Today’s Sunday Service will be a 2-hour celebration of God’s faithfulness to us-ward, in preaching, praise, prayer and testimony. It was one year ago, at the...
When you create a musical event like Astroworld to glorify Lucifer, the first musician, don't be surprised when he shows up for a sacrifice.
In 'Vexille 2077', there is an evil company named Dawai that is responsible to injecting everyone with a vaccine that infuses them with trackable nanoparticles. Substitute...
When Bill Gates tells you to prepare for a 'smallpox bioterror attack', you should believe him. Remember Event 201? Now it's the 'germ games'.
People get mad when you compare the Yellow Star put on Jews in Nazi Germany with the COVID vaccine mandates forced on people here in 2021.
Pretend president Joe Biden has set a deadline of January 4th for vaccination mandate as definition of what a vaccine is has now been changed.
Tonight we will supercharge our 'rightly dividing' skills by reviewing all the gospels of good news contained in your King James Bible.
Democrats lost it all in Virginia last night due largely to calling parents 'domestic terrorists' for wanting to protect their children.
Prepare yourself for not only Meta, but for the entire Metaverse that includes crypto currency, blockchain and Ethereum as images come alive.
Pfizer sponsors dozens of news shows on mainstream media as they rake in record profits from sale of the COVID-19 vaccine.
The World Economic Forum and the United Arab Emirates will host the Great Narrative Reset meeting in Dubai on 11-12 November 2021.
Laodicean Franklin Graham pleaded with evangelical Christians to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in Axios interview last weekend on HBO.
Pentagon rattled by Chinese military push on multiple fronts as pretend president Joe Biden falls sleeps at COP26 Climate Summit.