Staring in August, NTEB will be sending out from BL&MF 1,100 King James Bibles in English worldwide along with Tagalog New Testaments.
The CDC is issuing new mask mandates for the fully vaccinated as COVID Delta variant surges across America.
Cuomo said 'We have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people and put them in a car and drive them and get...
Minnesota woman Jummai Nache who contracted COVID-19 after getting vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine had to have both of her legs amputated,
Citizens of London and France protest against tyranny as CDC withdraws PDC test that cannot tell difference between COVID-19 and the flu.
Son of Perdition Judas is going to "rent" a human body in order to become Antichrist on earth, which is exactly what the word "let" in...
This is no time to sit on the sidelines as this lost world careens out of control. Get some gospel tracts and the FIGHT!!!
The book of Second Corinthians is an incredible book, and one that not only shows you what life is like in full-time Christian ministry, it also...
John Legend, Keith Urban Lead Singing of Atheist National Anthem ‘Imagine’ at Tokyo Olympics 2021 Opening Ceremony in Japan.
President Joe Biden spox Jen Psaki refused Friday to release the numbers of White House staff who had tested positive for the coronavirus.
The is a war raging against the unvaccinated and the question we ask today is do people have the right to determine what goes in their...
President Joe Biden repeatedly gave confusing, misleading and non-linear answers when discussing masks and COVID-19 vaccine approval
For those of you who've long said that you wanted to "live in bible times", your wish is being granted to the Nth degree right here...
US Border officials report a 900 percent increase in July for the number of illegal immigrants testing positive for COVID-19 and Delta.
The prophet Isaiah was never wrong, and we would do well to heed this prophetic word as we stand on the cusp of prophetic fulfillment.
New pandemic lockdowns coming if people don’t wise up and get vaccinated against COVID-19, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell warned.
Ben & Jerry’s ice cream pulled from supermarket chains in New York after starting boycott of Israel and the 'Occupied Palestinian Territory'.
End times villains and billionaires George Soros and Bill Gates created a consortium set to buy Mologic, a UK maker of COVID test kits.
A spokesperson for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tested positive Monday for coronavirus following a meeting last week with members of the Texas Legislature who fled the state for Washington, D.C.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Monday that venues with large crowds will require patrons to present proof of full vaccination.
The Bristol County Sheriff's Office in Massachusetts is the first law enforcement agency in the country to implement a K-9 unit with canines able to detect COVID-19.
Today we are looking at realistic facts and figures about people receiving the COVID-19 vaccine with their corresponding reactions to it.
We are looking at reasons from the Bible as to why the true student of scripture must of necessity stand on the authority of the King...
The last days of the Bible covers the time from right before the start of the time of Jacob's trouble all the way up to the...