When State after State legalized gay marriage, it wasn’t difficult to discern that the “slippery slope” syndrome was soon to happen. It did. “Woe unto them...
"Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras has blasted European economic sanction on Russia over the Ukraine crisis. The left-wing firebrand accused Brussels of hypocrisy over the sanctions,...
Through the years, I have encountered many people in church, and on Facebook, who name the name of Jesus as their Lord and Savior, but act...
Common Core is all about molding and re-shaping the children of America to be “obedient globalists.” The rights and interests of the individual are pushed aside,...
In 2011, Barack Obama appointed Mohamed Elibiary, a well known member of the Muslim Brotherhood, to a key position in our Department of Homeland Security.
Microsoft founder Bill Gates desires to control the population through Eugenics, did you know his father was the head of Planned Parenthood?
Kayla Mueller also praised Palestinians who attacked Israelis with rocks and said she marched “arm in arm” with them and supported their violence.
If you tuned in to the Grammys Sunday night, you may have noticed Katy Perry and pal, singer Ferras, sporting a pair of devil horns at...
Have you been fooled by this rocker, who talks about his love for Jesus, but in reality shows his love for Satan during his performances?
Waltrip said “If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior … you are going to hell.” Waltrip spoke about how Jesus transformed his...
Obama looked almost irritated Tuesday to be asked his reaction to the murder of the Jordanian pilot, shown on an Internet video being burned alive by...
The Message has sold over 10 million copies. The list of prominent people in the Christian world who endorse this evil work is beyond belief. The...
The United Religions Initiative is meant to be for religions what the UN is for nations. Its purpose is to be the world religious authority, “a...
Hamas, a member of the Palestinian Unity Government, has published photo proof of the terrorist organization committing war crimes by training thousands of teenagers in “military...
The U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) has begun building the framework for a political party in Chicago.
So where does the blame lie for the persecution and slaughter of the Jewish people? Satan HATES the Chosen people of God. He knows of God’s...
Palestinian Liberation Theology blatantly changes God’s Word. Any mention of Israel - gone. Any mention of Jesus being a Jew - gone.
Gray State Screenwriter David Crowley, his wife and five-year-old daughter were found dead on Sunday morning in a Minnesota home in what is being called a...
“The United States released five more Yemeni detainees from the prison camps in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on Wednesday to far-flung locations — four to the Arabian...
I have racked my brain for years, trying to figure out why atheists and far left liberals support Islam and even push educating our children in...
“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” – Barack Obama With the carnage and horror that took place...
I will be taking passages from the Qur’an about Jesus - whom they call “Isa” and then I will post Scripture which will expose the passages...
“Proselytism is solemn nonsense; it makes no sense. We need to get to know each other, listen to each other and improve our knowledge of the...
We hear so much about all of those moderate Muslims out there. Why aren’t they speaking against the jihadists?