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Brave Christian Woman Protests Washington Cathedral’s First Muslim Prayer Service (VIDEO)

The first Muslim prayer service was held inside the Washington Nation Cathedral this afternoon, and was interrupted by a Christian woman who shouted out that “Jesus Christ is Lord”.




Chrislam on the rise in America

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Ephesians 5:11

The first Muslim prayer service was held inside the Washington Nation Cathedral this afternoon, and it was interrupted by a brave Christian woman who shouted out that “Jesus Christ is Lord”.

The Washington Post reports that the carefully scripted ceremony was marred once when a well-dressed middle-age woman in the audience suddenly rose and began shouting that “America was founded on Christian principles. . . . Leave our church alone!” She was swiftly ushered out by security aides, and the service continued.

So our question is, why was she the only one standing up for the Truth? Why were there no other brave bible believers to join her? That is more heartbreaking than seeing the service itself.

Click here to read more on Chrislam In America…

Now The End Begins is run by end times author and editor-in-chief Geoffrey Grider, and located in Saint Augustine, Florida. NTEB delivers aggregate breaking news of the day from a biblical perspective, as well as providing rightly divided and dispensationally correct teaching and preaching from the King James Holy Bible. NTEB has been in continuous operation since being called into service for the Lord Jesus Christ in 2009. We are the front lines of the end times.


The Secret Your Cellphone Company Doesn’t Want You To Know

The truth is, the major cellphone company carriers are more than happy to sell your information to advertisers and serve you targeted ads over their networks. I’m going to tell you how to stop them




Recently, AT&T surprised everyone when it added a new option to its GigaPower fiber Internet service: privacy. Yes, for just $29 more a month, AT&T promises it WON’T sell your search and browsing history to advertisers. How generous.

While there’s still some doubt about how private your information is even after you pay the $29, at least AT&T is being honest about how it finances operations. The truth is, the major cellphone carriers are more than happy to sell your information to advertisers and serve you targeted ads over their networks. I’m going to tell you how to stop them, and at the end I’ll discuss other ways carriers and advertisers are working to get your information.


If you’re an iPhone user, go into Settings, and then tap Privacy. Scroll all the way down to Advertising. You’ll see a button that says “Limit ad tracking.” Slide this button to make it green. This will stop ad companies from tracking what you do with your phone and from serving up targeted ads.


Of course, carriers are working on ways to track you that you can’t stop. Verizon and AT&T have experimented with “supercookies” that let any website know who you are when you visit.

Right underneath that setting, by the way, you’ll see the “Reset Advertising Identifier” option. Tapping on that will zero out the anonymized identifier linked to your personal data on Apple’s servers.

In other words, to trackers you’ll appear to be a new user. This can make it more difficult (but not impossible) for advertisers to build up a profile on how you browse.


To turn off the Google “AdID” system, do NOT go to your Android phone settings. Go instead to your Google Settings app. (You may have to look under your full list of apps to find it.)

Once you’re in Google Settings, tap the Ads link and then tap “Opt out of interest-based ads.” You can also see your advertising ID and tap “Reset advertising ID” to make a new one. This will make you look like a new user to advertisers.

Ads aren’t the only way you’re tracked on your phone. Google and Apple might be tracking your searches. Use this search app instead to make private searches.

Windows Phone

To turn off Personalized ads in Windows Phone, go to Microsoft’s ad opt-out page, and under “Personalize ads whenever I use my Microsoft account,” click “Off.”

You will need to be signed in with a Windows account to do this. Make sure you sign in with the same account you use on your Windows Phone. This also turns off personalized ads for Internet Explorer in Windows 8.

The future of tracking

Of course, carriers are working on ways to track you that you can’t stop. Verizon and AT&T have experimented with “supercookies” that let any website know who you are when you visit.

AT&T eventually dropped the idea when customers complained, but Verizon still does it. You can opt out at, so Verizon won’t track your information or show you targeted ads. But Verizon still adds the supercookies to your browsing, which can give away your identity to websites or hackers.

One solution is to use Wi-Fi instead of your cellular signal for browsing, but that isn’t always possible. Click here to learn more about Verizon’s supercookie problem and how you can protect yourself.

Tracking and selling your information isn’t just a problem with cellular carriers, though. There are ways every ad company can track where you go online. Click here to protect your privacy against online advertisers.

You should also know that Facebook shares your information with advertisers as well. Click here to stop Facebook from tracking everywhere you go online. source – Fox News Kim Komando

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Netanyahu Launches Bold Anti-ISIS Likud Campaign Ad (VIDEO)

Netanyahu’s new ad ad shows a group of ISIS terrorists pulling up to a random Israeli to ask how to get to Jerusalem. “Take left,” they’re told.




“It’s either us or them. Only the Likud. Only Netanyahu.”

In the latest Likud ad for the upcoming Israeli elections, a group of ISIS terrorists (played by actors, of course) are seen asking for directions to Jerusalem. Likud is led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Elections there are a month away.


The Hebrew writing in the above photo means “The left will surrender to terror”. This is a true statement in nearly every country on the face of the earth.


The ad shows the group of terrorists pulling up to a random Israeli to ask how to get to Jerusalem. “Take left,” they’re told. The screen goes dark and Hebrew words appear as gun shots can be heard. “The left will surrender to terror,” the text on the screen reads.

As the ISIS terrorists pull away, the viewer gets a glimpse at a bumper sticker on the back of their Toyota truck. It reads, “Just not Bibi.”

The ad ends and the Likud slogan appears: “It’s either us or them. Only the Likud. Only Netanyahu.”

Translation of the ad is courtesy of the Independent Media Review and Analysis.

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New Tylenol Commercial Showcases Lesbian Mothers In A 4-Way Blended Family

Tylenol’s new television ad campaign is called “For What Matters Most”, and features a variety of families such as this blended family of lesbian mothers.




This is the Beser Carr Schneider Musich Family’s story

“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:” Romans 1:26

For 60 years, the makers of TYLENOL® have helped to care for families. To celebrate the holidays this year, the makers of TYLENOL® decided to put a modern spin on Norman Rockwell’s classic holiday painting Freedom From Want, to help illustrate how modern families come together to celebrate what matters most during the holidays. This is the Beser Carr Schneider Musich Family’s story:

Tylenol’s new television ad campaign is called “For What Matters Most”, and features a variety of families such as this blended lesbian family see in the video above. It is all part of the relentless push by the Liberals make homosexual family life seem as normal as possible. One look at this commercial and it appears as anything but “normal”.

Using the all-American imagery of Norman Rockwell is another slap in the face at mainstream America, and it’s values and religion so hated by the Left. But, as always, it’s the children who pay the price. Imagine the confusion generated by growing up in this family.

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