Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 5 percentage points in a Bloomberg Politics poll of Ohio.
A CNN/ORC national poll released Tuesday finds Trump ahead of Clinton by two points -- 45% to 43% -- among likely voters.
"SHUT IT DOWN!" Reuters Cameraman Was Ordered To Kill Positive Trump Footage At Black Church
Donald Trump delivered remarks this morning at Great Faith Ministries International, a historically black church in Detroit.
Wednesday in Mexico was a good day for Donald Trump, a reminder of why we shouldn’t underestimate him.
Clinton Foundation past member Matt Lauer will moderate the first forum between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
It has been confirmed that GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump will travel to Mexico today to meet with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.
Nigel Farage, the anti-EU British politician and Brexit mastermind, appeared with Donald Trump at a rally on Wednesday.
Christian Rickers. a Democrat, is the Virginia-based executive director of the Trumpocrats PAC, and he is voting for Donald J. Trump.
The “deranged” progressive protesters who attacked GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s motorcade and targeted Trump supporters in Minneapolis on Friday night are being protected by Hillary...
Donald Trump took a swipe at President Obama during his campaign rally in Dimondale, Michigan
Donald Trump and his running mate Mike Pence were in Louisiana Friday to survey the flood damage that killed at least 13 people and displaced thousands...
At least 14 paid female protesters interrupted a major economic speech by Donald Trump by jumping up and shouting in a co-ordinated effort to disrupt the...
Video from Donald Trump’s speech last week in Daytona Beach shows ABC News cutting the live fed as Trump begins to talk about Hillary Clinton’s connection...
Former President and NWO globalist George W. Bush laid into Donald Trump's worldview Tuesday night.
President Obama slams Republican nominee for president Donald Trump at a joint press conference with the prime minister of Singapore.
"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing, I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our...
Donald Trump comes out of his convention way ahead of Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, topping her 44% to 39%.
Donald Trump took the stage this evening, like a warrior in battle, and accepted his party's nomination for president of the United States.
This is the promise I want to see Donald Trump keep more than any of the other great promises he has made.
The bid was defeated, thwarting the effort by the 'Never Trump' traitors to block Donald Trump's path to the nomination.
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus welcomed delegates to the GOP Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.
Donald Trump is planning to announce that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is his choice for his vice presidential running mate.
New swing-state polls show Donald Trump leading Clinton in Florida and Pennsylvania — and tied in the critical battleground state of Ohio.