President Obama has been forced to reassess his view of what caused the attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed US Ambassador Christopher Stevens, raising questions about...
President Obama falsely claimed that the 'FAST AND FURIOUS' gunrunning program began under President George W. Bush. It did not.
Iranian military leaders unveiled a new missile defense system Friday that is built to destroy “aggressive” U.S. aircraft, according to reports.
The Obama administration will remove from the U.S. terrorism list an Iranian militant group formerly allied with Saddam Hussein, officials said Friday, describing a move that...
Where did all the stars go? The Obama 'Our Stripes' flag is a coded message advertising his intent to DESTROY all 50 states in our union.
Concerns are being raised about the president's decision to embrace Islamic militants like the Muslim Brotherhood and continue Egypt's $1.5 billion allowance.
The Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was in fact "a terrorist attack" and the U.S. government has indications that members of al...
"We will destroy America like this flag," a Muslim protester screamed while burning a U.S. flag. "We will chase away the American ambassador from the country."
In a televised speech, Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah pushed for the creation of an international law that would ban insults of Islam and other religions,...
The most ominous sign of possible things to come appeared on March 16, 2012, when President Obama signed executive order 13603 about “National Defense Resources Preparedness.”
Obama to slash US embassy defense funding. The greatest threat to the US is not the Muslim around the world, it is the Muslim in the...
President Barack Obama has bowed to the Muslim Brotherhood’s demand that the federal government suppress a satirical video of Islam’s prophet, Muhammad.
An Arabic language website has just reported the horrific claim that U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, 52, was raped before he was killed by...
The black flag of Islam is flying over the U.S. embassy in Tunisia after it was stormed by a mob of protesters today - as anger...
Warning IGNORED! The US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions...
Chanting 'death to America', hundreds of protestors marched on the U.S. Embassy compound in Yemen's capital today, where they burned the American flag, used stones to...
“If the U.N. does not mobilize to stop this erosion, it will be Armageddon,” MK Talab el-Sana told the Israeli paper. A radical group called the...
Demonstrators attacked the U.S. embassies in Yemen and Egypt on Thursday. Hundreds of Yemeni demonstrators broke through the main gate of the heavily fortified compound in...
Obama and Hillary left without answering any questions, and then calmly...coldly..boarded a plane to Las Vegas to continue his campaign for re-election.
The body of US Ambassador Chris Stevens was dragged through the streets of Libya by blood-crazed Muslims yesterday.
The American ambassador to Libya and three other embassy staff were killed in a rocket attack after an armed mob protesting at a 'blasphemous' film about...
Today, President Obama said nothing as Muslim terrorists laid siege to the American embassy in Cairo, Egypt, and the American consulate in Libya. In the attack...
The Obama White House declined Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's request on Tuesday to meet U.S. President Barack Obama during a UN conference in New York...
When White House trip director Marvin Nicholson handed the president his personal iPhone, Mr. Obama couldn't get it to work. A reporter who witnessed the scene...