Imagine Tea Party extremists seizing control of a South Carolina town and the Army being sent in to crush the rebellion. This farcical vision is now...
Why are the college records, of a 51-year-old President of the United States, so important to keep secret? Why has Obama spent millions to keep them...
The White House hasn't ruled out issuing an executive order to strengthen the nation's defenses against cyber attacks if Congress refuses to act. "Moving forward, the...
President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for rebels seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government, sources familiar with...
Democrats are set to include a pro-gay marriage plank in their convention platform for the first time in history. The language was approved unanimously by a...
Justice Antonin Scalia, one of the Supreme Court's most vocal and conservative justices, said on Sunday that the Second Amendment leaves room for U.S. legislatures to...
The CIA considers Israel its No. 1 counterintelligence threat in the agency's Near East Division, the group that oversees spying across the Middle East, according to...
White House spokesman Jay Carney refused to directly say which city is the capital of Israel during a press briefing Thursday, saying only “our position has...
The Marine Corps has created its first law enforcement battalions - a lean, specialized force of military police officers that it hopes can quickly deploy worldwide...
The “Doo Doo Economics Blog” is reporting that shooting suspect James Holmes, of Aurora Colorado, is a former member of the Occupy San Diego group. Holmes...
Syria's Muslim Brotherhood, a key opponent of President Bashar al-Assad's regime, announces plans to launch an Islamist political party, saying it is ready for the post-Assad...
The USDA has an agreement with Mexico to promote American food assistance programs, including food stamps, among Mexican Americans, Mexican nationals and migrant communities in America.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States said on Wednesday that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was losing control of his country and urged Russia and the international...
Prominent Christian Egyptians snubbed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sunday because they feel the U.S. administration favors Islamist parties over secular and liberal forces in...
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:...
In her filing, Daniels thoroughly documents her contention “that Barack Obama has repeatedly, consistently, and with intent misrepresented himself by using a fraudulently obtained Social Security...
While spending on the food stamp program has increased 100 percent under President Barack Obama, the government continues to push more Americans to enroll in the...
The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the individual insurance requirement at the heart of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. The decision means the historic overhaul...
Life after 4 years of Obama? "The unemployed are really in trouble," Biden said in a campaign stop in Dubuque." It's a depression for millions and...
The Obama administration distributed $9 billion in economic “stimulus” funds to solar and wind projects in 2009-11 that created, as the end result, 910 “direct” jobs...
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws...
The Obama administration will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led...
Last summer, gays in the military dared not admit their sexual orientation. This summer, the Pentagon will salute them, marking gay pride month just as it...
The Obama administration said Tuesday that Russia is sending attack helicopters to Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime and warned that the Arab country's 15-month conflict could...