The biblical Mary is a model of humility and submission to God, she is not sinless, not divine, and does not hear or answer any prayers...
Zionism is the belief that all the land of Israel, Zion, belongs to God who gave it to the Jews, and that God Himself will return...
In our dispensation, water baptism doesn’t save you, not even a little bit, but believing the gospel Paul preached for salvation sure does Last Sunday, Hollywood...
Christians all across social media are buzzing about the possibility of a red heifer being sacrificed in Jerusalem for Passover, sorry to disappoint them There is...
Jesus got baptized by John the Baptist to fulfill God’s righteousness, not to wash away any sin because He was sinless The children’s book ‘The Baptism...
There Are 7 In Your King James Bible starting In Genesis and going all the way clear through to Revelation, we’re looking for the Pretribulation Rapture...
Let’s do a quick King James Bible study on the many appearances and inferences of the letter ‘x’ in relation to the Antichrist and his coming...
No such thing as a limited atonement in the Bible as far as what Jesus did on the cross is concerned, the atonement God provided becomes...
The body of Christ started the same time the Church started, on the cross at Calvary where Jesus made a payment for sin in God’s shed...
Can you perform all 5 of the signs, miracles and wonders Jesus lays out in our NTEB Mark 16 Challenge? We invite you to try it...
The beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 comprise the constitution of the coming Millennial Kingdom of King Jesus. You can take any...
In Acts 13:48, the Bible shows us how God ordained and appointed the gospel to go to the Gentiles as prophesied in the Old Testament that...
Did you know that in Hebrew the Greek name of Jesus is Joshua, and that both those names mean ‘Jehovah is salvation’? But wait, there’s more....
Your King James Bible faithfully preserves doctrinal truth in Acts 8 that the modern versions seek to destroy If you have a King James Bible, when...
In the Old Testament, sinners made the atonement to God for their sins, but in the New Testament, it is God that makes the atonement for...
At the exact moment Judas goes from being the man of sin to the son of perdition, the scripture sayeth that he immediately goes ‘down and...
I cannot imagine any Bible teacher or preacher of the word of God that did not understand that the payment for sin on the cross was...
It is not that our estimation of Jesus Christ is too much, it is that your estimation of Jesus Christ is far too little, too weak,...
For some strange reason, we have a plethora of very powerful princes all on the world stage at the same time, who all seem to be...
The Church is the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, and the New Jerusalem where God will once again and for all eternity “dwell with...
My entrance into the kingdom of God didn't start with the shed blood of Jesus Christ, it started with a Book telling me about the shed...