On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are doing something in tonight's Bible study we have never done before, we are celebrating the communion of the...
When we rightly divide the 4 gospels, we see that Matthew, Mark and Luke walk together in virtual lockstep, while the gospel of John takes a...
A reader asks should Christians be listening to secular rock, rap and country music, and what about Christian rock like Hillsong United?
The English Standard Bible is getting quite popular with Laodicean Christians, but how does it compare with the God-honored King James?
The 'This Generation Shall Not Pass' From Matthew 24 is not the generation that saw Israel regathered, but the end times Tribulation Saints.
Isaiah 54:17 is God's amazing promise to keep His chosen people, the Jews, safe at the red rock city of Selah Petra during the time of...
Ironically, this false teaching that the 'falling away' is the Rapture of the Church is itself part of the apostasy of the last days.
The Bible tells us that the baby Jesus was laid in a stone manger at Migdal Eder, the tower of the flock where spotless lambs were...
Prepare yourself for the 'greatest archaeological discovery of all time', the bones of Jesus! But it's actually a trick of Satan.
We live in a day and age where you are forced 'pick one' from either Column A wherein resides Calvinism, or from Column B where we...
Son of Perdition Judas is going to "rent" a human body in order to become Antichrist on earth, which is exactly what the word "let" in...
No where in the bible does it say or even imply that Jesus could not carry His own cross, that is entirely speculation on the part...
When we return with King Jesus at the Second Coming, the Eastern Gate will open as the sun, moon and stars willingly put their lights out.
When the new versions remove the word 'begotten" from John 3:16, they are removing a reference to the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The bible tells us from a dispensational perspective that the ‘law and the prophets’ existed from Moses all the way up to the time of John...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at the bible doctrine of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church. A guaranteed certainty it will happen.
Eternal security is the blessing of salvation in the Church Age, but it did not exist before, and it will not exist after the Church Age...
Many Christians looking at Isaiah 26:20 to see if God is showing us a promise from scripture about keeping us safe during this coronavirus pandemic.
Do events happening now signal the start of the end times beginning of sorrows Jesus tells us of in Matthew 24 regarding famine, wars and pestilence?
The Star of David on the flag of Israel is from the Bible but not from David, it is the 666 Star of Remphan for the...
The Roman Catholic Church decided at the 1545 Council of Trent that anyone who believes in salvation by grace through faith alone is anathema.
The Bible calls Sunday the 'first day of the week', the day that comes after the sabbath day we call Saturday, and is the foundation day...
Tonight, when the last moon of the decade is full at 12:12 AM on December 12th, 2019, look deeply at it and remind yourself of God's...
Pelagianism says that human beings are not born with a natural inclination toward sin, but the scriptures say otherwise. Pelagius was a heretic.