It's high time we considered the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church as Bible doctrine, and in fact, I say that it is long overdue.
The spirit that Jezebel had led her to uncontrollable fits of anger, rage, threatenings, violence and murder. God judged her by feeding her to the dogs.
In the new book entitled The Golden Sceptre, we read about the Bible account of Queen Esther and are introduced also to Haman, The Son of...
Job 41 rightly labels him, Leviathan, as a king over children of pride, for he shall be a king for 7 brief years in the near...
God doesn’t say “let me make man in my image” but instead says “let us make man in our image”. Whoever the “us” is, we can...
Climate change is real and the Earth is very much alive, and it's looking and listening for the signs of the coming King and getting itself...
An Oxford University professor Dr. Young-hae Chi has claimed aliens are already breeding with humans to create a new hybrid species to save the Earth. Dr....
Pope Pius IX wrote the Roman Catholic doctrine concerning the character and nature of Mary, called Ineffabilis Deus, published on December 8, 1854, in Rome
Here are 10 big things the Bible knew and talked about thousands of years before the medical and scientific communities discovered them.
Here are 7 things that no one ever told you about the real meaning of Christmas, and the birth of baby Jesus as recorded in the...
Did the Catholic Church, the enemy of all Christians and Jews everywhere, change the sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday after they took over in 325...
According to Bible prophecy, the Battle of Gog and Magog takes places immediately after the Thousand Year Reign of King Jesus is finished on this earth.
The time of Jacob's trouble is going to be the means by which God restores His chosen the Jews people back to a right relationship to...
Jesus told His astonished disciples that God's standard for forgiveness was ten times that amount, minimum. Forgive your brother 7 times? No, try 490 times
Jonah knew the nature and character of God, and trusted in that with his whole heart and soul. His falling asleep in the boat is not...
The Feast of Tabernacles which falls right on September 23rd, is perhaps the most important of all the feast days, and it is the main one...
On the 17th day of Elul, 5778, August 28, 2018, the Temple Institute in Jerusalem a red heifer was born in the land of Israel. Is...
As the Church Age comes to a close, we are reminded that while it will end in failure corporately, the invitation to each and every one...
A simple look at the book of Joel show a 100% impossibility of the upcoming blood moon on July 27th having anything to do with Bible...
Official teaching from the Catechism of the Catholic Church boldly declares that the Christian Church is built on 'pope' Peter and not on Jesus Christ!
God commands born again Christians in 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) to not only study the scriptures, but to also to rightly divide them. It fun and...
It is excellent to hand out gospel tracts, and to plead with lost souls to get saved. In fact, it is the work the Lord Jesus...
With all the end times excitement going on right now in the Middle East, a quick Bible study on the prophet Isaiah and his 17th chapter dealing...
The taking of the Mark of the Beast is yet more proof that Christians will not be exposed to it. The Bible clearly declares in Revelation...