And so it is with most Bible prophecy, it has a one-time fulfillment, but as you will see there are exceptions to that rule. In Matthew...
Could the Rapture take place on April 23rd? Absolutely it can! But it will never in a million years be based on anything in Revelation 12...
Joel's prophecies can only come true in the Kingdom Age, Christians are not given signs, wonders, dreams and vision. We have the indwelling of the Holy...
From claimed appearances of Jesus everywhere from Celebration Church in Jacksonville, Florida, all the way over to the Arab world and down to Africa, people are...
On the cross at Calvary, Jesus of Nazareth willingly shed His blood as a payment for sin. More specifically, as a payment for your sin, and...
In another interview with his longtime atheist friend, Eugenio Scalfari, Pope Francis claims that Hell does not exist and that condemned souls just "disappear." This is...
For many students of the Bible, the book of Revelation is the "holy grail" of prophetic information, if you'll pardon the pun. There are those who...
I do not know when the Church Age will officially end, but I certainly know how it will end. The dispensation that we call the Church...
The importance of Israel having a leader like Benjamin Netanyahu who, despite whatever his faults may be, has devoted his entire public life to the preservation...
We see good old Enoch who gets raptured away to be with God in Heaven without ever dying. Want to take a wild, end times guess...
And there it is, the reason why we must become born again if we wish to enter into the kingdom of God. After Adam and Eve...
The rapture in Matthew 24 is not the rapture of the Church that Paul calls the blessed hope. For starters, these tribulation saints are gathered by...
This is not a metaphor for some cosmic happening, John is showing us that the Devil will literally bound for one thousand years while Jesus rules...
It is quite simple to understand, but believing it is the real problem. Belief has always been and will alway be the problem All through the...
The birth of Jesus, otherwise known as the First Coming because He is slated to return again soon, as found in the ever-trustworthy pages of the...
Woven into historical events found in the Bible, God has placed amazing prophecy that will have its complete fulfillment at a time in the very near...
The word Jerusalem occurs exactly 811 times in 764 verses of your King James Bible, and it occurs exactly zero times in the Qu'ran. Did you...
This is the Israel that Jeremiah saw in his prophecy, he saw Jacob whom the Bible called a deceiver, typifying the nation as a whole.
How it must gall Satan to know that, even after the Rapture of the Church when there won't be one saved person, even unsaved people really...
The gospel of the kingdom taught in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and by Jesus Himself prepares believers alive in the Kingdom Age for an Earthly Kingdom
Peter acknowledged that Paul was very different, had a different gospel, and that it caused a lot of people to wrestle with it to their "own...
The main theme of the Bible is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to rule and reign as King over all the nations, literally, physically and...
I am talking of course about the upcoming 'Great Sign' prophecy which is set to take place on September 23rd, just 5 days from this writing.
The Pretribulation Rapture of the Church could absolutely happen today, but if it did it would not be connected to the solar eclipse according to the...