One minute after the amazing Pretribulation Rapture of the Church takes place, a worldwide famine will instantly transpire. But it's not a famine of food.
The righteous king of Salem who is presented in mystery, Melchizedek, will one day rule openly as the King of all the Earth for 1,000 years...
King Jesus saddles up the horses after the 4 Hallelujahs, and look who is riding behind Him, it's us! More proof for a Pretribulation Rapture of...
Don't fall for the Devil's pathetic attempt at getting you to doubt God's word, preserved in the King James Holy Bible. That’s the real Mandela Effect.
Going 6,000 years back into the past, God has placed a wonderful and amazing type of the New Testament Church in the creation of Adam and...
Mystery Babylon is not America, it's not Islam, and it's not the New World Order. It's the Roman Catholic Church system in Revelation 17 and 18.
In a final act of defiance, Judas the devil goes out and hangs himself on a tree in the "potters field", or the "field of blood",...
Now you know who the woman is. It's the nation of Israel. What part of Revelation 12 is the Church involved with? None of it.
Almost 1,900 years after the birth of the biblical Mary, the Roman Catholic Church declared some startling and amazing things about her.
Let's go back to the beginning of Matthew 24 for a moment, and let's take away the entire argument that preterism is based on - 70...
I hope this study of Scripture has helped to shed some light on how works are connected with salvation in the time of Jacob's trouble.
The standard lazy Laodicean interpretation of the Ten Virgins is that it represents Christians who are prepared by their good works to meet Jesus.
Left Behind accurately showed that the Rapture of the Church must take place prior to the start of the time of Jacob's trouble, aka the Great...
For some reason, there seems to be a lot of debate and confusion about the nature and identity of the 144,000 mentioned in the book of...
That is the coming day when the United Nations, under the banner of Antichrist, group together to fight against Israel with the prize being Jerusalem.
From the perspective of the time of Jacob's trouble, a.k.a the Great Tribulation, there is only one "wrath" the world needs to be concerned with. The...
After 7 solid chapters of judgement on Israel in the time of Jacob's trouble, God devotes the last 5 verses of Amos to describing Israel's restoration.
The Song of Solomon in chapter 2 contains an amazing Springtime picture of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ, so Happy Spring!
The Jews in the Bible occupy a singular and very special place afforded to no other race of people in human history.
The Psalm 83 War may be triggered when Donald Trump authorizes the moving of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to the Old City of Jerusalem.
A leading Egyptian cleric irked his Christian compatriots when he said on television that the Islamic figure Muhammed would marry the Virgin Mary in heaven.
Santa Claus is a satanic creation and something that no Bible believing Christian should have anything to do with, it should only be about Jesus Christ.
The doctrine of the Pretribulation Rapture appears over and over again, in both Old and New Testaments. Take Enoch for example.
What is Replacement Theology? It is the pernicious and false teaching that God is finished with the Jews and national Israel, and has replaced the Jews...