We look at the 7 hidden things contained in Matthew 24 that no one ever told you about the Second Advent and the end of the...
The Pretribulation Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ is clearly taught in both the Old and New Testaments.
Jeremiah 30:7 is a proof text all by itself for showing that Church Age Christians will not enter into what the Bible calls the time of...
The Pretribulation Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ is clearly taught in both the Old and New Testaments.
Let's Look At God's Original Land Grant Of Israel To Abraham, and see how much land they really have.
Forgiveness and reconciliation is where "real" Christianity dwells, and few there be that trod that path.
The book of James is not giving a few lines on "rich versus poor" and all that nonsense. It's giving you a warning.
An Internet-based prophecy group, End Times Prophecies, say that doomsday will occur as 'the second coming of Jesus Christ coincides with a magnetic polar flip.'
In that day, God will be glorified in all the earth, and it will usher in 1,000 years of perfect peace and perfect rule on our...
The Mandela Effect is a theory put forth by writer Fiona Broome who theorizes that false memories are in fact glimpses into parallel worlds with different...
You can go on believing that the virgin Mary remained a 'perpetual virgin' if you want to, but you have to do it in spite of...
God's rainbow, the one that He set in the sky as a sign to Noah, has 7 observable colors in it - red, orange. yellow, green, blue,...
Join us as we apply Paul's command found in 2 Timothy 2:15 to 'rightly divide' our Bible and put everything in it's proper perspective and place.
Did God change His mind from one testament to the other or is the Bible teaching dispensational differences?
Today we will take a look at the various different gospels contained in the New Testament, and see who they were preached by, preached to and...
The scarlet thread teaching originates from Joshua 2. Two spies had been sent to Jericho in advance of the Israelites’ taking of that city.
If you were to die tonight, where would you go? Do you know for sure that you would be in Heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ,...
Matthew 24:29-31 is the hands down favorite passage of Pretribulation Rapture deniers, yet contained in those passages is the very proof that the Rapture of the...
Let's look at an amazing type picture in the Song of Solomon on the timing of the Rapture of the Church.
Listen as a gay pastor attempts to make the case that God's Holy word is fluid, evolving and adapts to whatever our lifestyle choices are.
The Judgment Seat of Christ is a public judgment in Heaven of the works that you did while on earth in the name of Jesus. It...
The Roman Catholic 'Good Friday' timeline is short by nearly two full days, because they fail to see the two Sabbath days that occurred. They only...
Easter, as we know it, comes from the ancient pagan festival of Astarte. Also known as Ishtar (pronounced "Easter"). This festival has always been held late...
Being born again is acknowledging that you are sick and dying with an incurable disease, and asking God to perform the operation that only He can...