The teaching of tithing for Christians is not limited to only the heretical Prosperity Movement, I have been in many hardcore, fundamental, King James Only Baptist...
Certainly the writer is not addressing gentile, Greek-speaking Christians, he is talking to Jews. In fact, the writer of the book of Hebrews seems to have...
The Word of Faith "Jesus" bears no resemblance to the perfect, sinless Son of God found in the pages of God's preserved word. If you claim...
Types are similitudes, given by God, in the form of revelations BEFORE the actual account happens. Types FORESHADOW the true image. The Book of Ruth presents...
The Pretribulation Rapture of the Church actually happened. Now we are gone, and you remain. Left behind. I can only imagine the shock - terror -...
In Revelation 11, the Holy Spirit tells us that, in the time of Jacob's trouble with the rise of the Antichrist, God sends His Two Witnesses...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we take a 2-hour jet ride through the book of Revelation and uncover God's Plan for the Ages as foretold...
For several years post-tribbers have been using the same bait and switch tactic with the term “tribulation” to deceive many Christians into believing that they will...
According to God’s word, the Jewish Nation of Israel will go through their time to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make...
Let’s go further. Don't we believe that Jesus appeared as the Angel of the Lord, in the Old Testament, and the fourth man in the fire?...
Easy Believism teaches that an individual doesn’t have to run to Calvary’s cross as a BROKEN SINNER in need of a sinless Savior to save them...
The gospel of the kingdom as preached by Jesus Christ and the Apostles and the gospel of the grace of God as revealed by Jesus Christ...
We all know that life begins at conception. But, is that the end of the matter? Should we stop there and ask no more questions? Of...
All the years that I have been reading and studying Matthew 24 and Revelation, and not until the Holy Spirit showed me tonight, did I ever...
The command to observe the Sabbath day was given to Israel EXCLUSIVELY. It was not given to the Gentiles. It was given to Israel as the...
It is said by many that the New International Version bible is just the same as the King James, but just easier to read and in...
This "new song" tells you exactly who this crowd of people in Revelation 5 is, for it can be no other. It is the only group...
The vast majority of professing Christian churches in 2015 are no longer preaching on Hell. It upsets too many people, so most pastors just stopped talking...
In this live, 2-hour show we show you from the Bible how God wrote it, who He wrote it to, and how to apply what's written...
In this live, 2-hour show we take a close look at the time of Jacob's trouble, and see from the Bible who exactly will be impacted...
Our new Bible study program, Rightly Dividing, will be on Sunday evenings from 9:00 - 11:00PM EST. Our very first program will air Sunday, October 4th,...
On September 30th, the world body of the United Nations General Assembly will be raising the flag of Palestine over the United Nations building in NYC.
The timeframe that Joel is seeing in his prophecy of the blood moon is the time of the Day of the Lord. When does the Day...
The Roman Catholic Church claims to have started in Matthew 16:18 when Christ supposedly appointed Peter as the first Pope. However, the honest and objective student...