Russell Brand has no testimony of salvation after being baptized into the Roman Catholic Church, he got wet but not saved Much has been made in...
The Hallow app for mobile is a multi-million dollar marketing push to recruit new people like you into the Roman Catholic Church to become Catholic. Do...
From Feb. 13 to 15, the Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia. The men sacrificed a goat and a dog, then whipped women with the hides...
Executioner Giovanni Battista Bugatti was one of the people who swung the axe for the popes, recording a whopping 516 executions during his tenure. If you...
Pope Francis has kicked conservative US Cardinal Raymond Burke out of his Vatican apartment and stripped him of his salary after he criticized the pontiff’s pro-LGBTQ+...
Pope Francis welcomed a group of transgender women at a recent Vatican lunch who were helped during the Covid-19 pandemic. Let me start off by saying...
If it would not cause scandal or confusion among other Catholics, ‘a transsexual, even one who has undergone hormone treatment and gender reassignment surgery, may receive...
Pope Francis has called for a ‘paradigm shift’ in Catholic theology that takes widespread engagement with contemporary science, culture, and people’s lived experience as an essential...
Pope Francis engaged former U.S. President Bill Clinton via zoom Monday, stressing the urgency of addressing the climate change ‘catastrophe,’ the migration ‘crisis,’ and war. Many...
A yellowed letter, dated 14 December 1942, confirms that Pope Pius XII was aware of the crimes committed by the Nazis in the Holocaust extermination camps...
God loves us just as we are, Pope Francis tells a young transgender person in a new podcast produced by Vatican Radio ahead of World Youth...
Pope Francis has been busy appointing men and women who support his vision of an affirming synodal church to positions where it matters. How do you...
Pope Francis stunned the faithful this weekend when he welcomed some 200 avant-garde artists in the Sistine Chapel, including photographer Andres Serrano, creator of the controversial...
The ‘miracle nun’ Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster whose exhumed body showed nearly no signs of decomposition four years after she died is drawing thousands of Roman Catholics...
A four-year investigation of Baltimore’s Roman Catholic archdiocese reveals the scope of 80 years of child sex abuse and torture by priests and how church officials...
Pope Francis has named progressive Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich to his inner cabinet of advisors despite the cardinal’s rejection of key elements of Catholic moral teaching....
The late Polish pope John Paul II knew about child sexual abuse in Poland’s Catholic church years before becoming pontiff and helped cover it up, a...
Pope Francis has now become the LGBTQIA+ affirming leader of the Roman Catholic Church, can openly gay priests and bishops be far behind? Let me start...
A group of Vatican conservatives apparently want to remove his woke, anti-capitalist successor Pope Francis in hopes of replacing him with one of their own. The...
Today, we entrust our beloved Pope emeritus Benedict XVI to our Most Holy Mother Mary, that she may accompany him in his passage from this world...
Actor who plays Jesus on ‘The Chosen’ Jonathan Roumie announced today his launch of ‘The Rosalet’, a rosary for all those Laodicean Christians who support this...