Stunningly beautiful video from SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch this week showed a very round earth as outer orbit was reached, not a flat earth. I...
The FBI repeatedly grilled Twitter execs about censorship on the social media platform in the summer of 2020 — insisting that the company provide more information...
Now Trump, constantly looking to demonstrate his political strength as he nears an announcement on a likely 2024 bid, is giving QAnon adherents repeated signals that...
Uvalde Students inside were calling 911 and begging for help, but police officers stayed outside for almost an hour during the mass shooting. Why? This is...
The FDA only inspected 9 of the trial’s 150-plus sites before approving the vaccine. Just 9 sites. What about Moderna? FDA had over a year and...
The dystopic-yet-impressive stunt was from Paramount+ to promote its upcoming sci-fi series Halo, based on the popular Xbox game about a warrior fighting off an alien...
CDC safety group says there’s a likely link between myocarditis heart inflammation in young people under 30 after getting Covid vaccine shot.
The journalist who broke the story about the controversial 2016 tarmac meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch was found dead Saturday...
My video shows airplanes over my head here in northeast Florida, actively spraying chemicals into the air until the sky is blanketed with white, fluffy chemtrails.
Why is Anthony Fauci constantly displaying the sign of the master of the second veil from Freemasonry, and why is Washington DC occultic?
The latest fantasy from QAnon revolves around March 4th with Donald Trump being sworn in as president to lead the New Republic.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Democratic Socialists brigade wants to turn New York City far-left craphole — from the ground up.
On October 18th, 2019, Bill Gates held Event 201 to war game COVID-19 and China held the opening ceremony for the Military World Games on the...
Liberal media labeling people who refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine as conspiracy theory kooks as distrust of the media and Bill Gates is skyrocketing
Dark And Sinister Opening Ceremony Of The 2012 London Olympics Used Predictive Programming To Show Us The Coming COVID-19 Coronavirus Ritual Plannedemic.
Today we bring you the 'fizzing', 'buzzing', and the 'electric sensations' COVID-19 sufferers are reporting, and ask could be connected to 5G cell towers?
vergreenHealth hospital in Kirkland, Washington, is the epicenter of the coronavirus in the United States, and right up the street from Bill Gates home.
Don't waste your time with the myriad conspiracy theories of QAnon, it could be much better spent witnessing to the lost about salvation in Jesus Christ.
Is all this massive, global overreaction to the coronavirus pandemic by world governments really a prelude to the ushering in of the New World Order?
Come with me as we connect the coronavirus hysteria and collapsing markets with Freemasonry, the number 33 and the New World Order. It will blow your...
COVID-19 is very far from a biblical pestilence, yet we are watching as everything is being cancelled for fear of infection. Fear and panic is all...
Alex Jones, conspiracy theorist, radio host and founder of Infowars, was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated in Texas on Tuesday morning.
China lockdown of 14 cities as Wuhan coronavirus outbreak rapidly worsens prompting Chinese authorities to issue dire warning as attractions shut down.
Video surveillance footage taken from the cell area of Jeffrey Epstein first apparent suicide attempt was permanently deleted by mistake.