Harold Camping has finally attracted the level of attention that he so desperately has been seeking. The eyes of the world are now focused on his...
May 21, 2011 is God's date. All other predictions are man's attempt to predict the end. So it becomes a matter of eternal life, or eternal...
Like the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mr. Camping accuses anyone who differs with him of not really believing the Bible and accuses them of being idolatrous of their...
NTEB prediction: May 22nd will arrive, as each day before it, and Harold Camping and all his followers who have not died a natural death will...
We firmly believe that Harold Camping has crossed the line from being passionately mistaken to becoming a full-fledged false prophet. Now I know that nothing we...
Until the false guise of 'free speech', the hateful, cowardly jackasses that populate the Westboro Baptist "church" continue to carry on with their unchristian protests of...
Harold Camping is a false prophet.The Rapture of the Church will take place at the exact moment and time that God Almighty has decreed it to...
The FBI is investigating the Church of Scientology over allegations of human trafficking, it is claimed. Federal investigators have been interviewing former members of the controversial...