French president Emmanuel Macron seeks to step in and create a relationship with Israel now that Joe Biden Is ignoring the Jewish state.
Here are just a few of the amazing events and inventions that have greatly advanced the end times prophetical timeline in Revelation
More COVID-19 vaccination megasites opened this week across the country, including at a casino in Missouri and at Yankee Stadium in New York.
Microsoft co-founder and eugenicist Bill Gates calls for billions of dollars in investments to develop a pandemic global alert system. 666.
New Cadbury Creme Egg LGBTQ+ inclusive TV commercial features two gay men suggestively french-kissing while eating the Easter treat.
The first 100 days of the coming Biden Reich will seek to silence all those Christians and patriots who are hostile to the regime.
Trump did exactly what God put him in power to do, but we told you that it was for judgment, and not to make America great...
Emmanuel Macron is seeking a technology-based partnership with the Biden administration with a COVID-centric digital identity future.
Democrat Rep. Emanuel Cleaver opened the first session of the 117th Congress on Sunday by praying in the name of Hindu god Brahma and cursing it.
Whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden is our next president, we will arrive at the exact same place regardless. God is judging the whole world.
Please bookmark every one of these cutting-edge web sites and visit them often, 2021 is not the year to walk through life unawares of just how...
Why does the US Space Force logo look so much like the layout of Nazi concentration camp Sachsenhausen? Because that's what's coming in 2021.
Look around you, what do you see? I see an unsaved world preparing to receive Antichrist after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church.
Emmanuel Macron Will Celebrate His Birthday On December 21st As Jupiter, Saturn and the 'Christmas Star' Make An Ultra-Rare Alignment.
Come safely sit on Satan’s lap, December 19th, 2:00 PM at the UNM Johnson Center field in Albuquerque, New Mexico and tell him what you want...
Pope Francis and the Vatican uncovered its 2020 manger scene on Friday, looking like Satan designed it for a horror movie. Flee the Roman harlot!
Christian YouTube 'prophet' Albert Milton has prophesied that Donald Trump will win re-election and everything will change on December 12th.
Online dating website giant releases commercial called 'Match Made In Hell' showing Satan falling in love with a woman named 2020.
Flight #777 has started her engines and the door is closing as we speak. Hurry. The war is real, the battle hot and time is the...
UN launches Digital ID wallet with biometric security for United Nations employees that uses blockchain and mobile technology to track you.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill di Blasio have ordered military-style COVID-1984 checkpoints to arrest Thanksgiving coronavirus violators.
Australian airline Qantas is drawing up plans to make a COVID-1984 coronavirus vaccination mandatory for all passengers traveling internationally.
President Trump orders deployment of B-52H Stratofortress Bombers to the Middle East for possible strike on Iran as last gift to Israel.
At virtual G20 Chinese Communist President Xi Jinping wants travelers to adopt a global QR code system as part of the COVID-1984 Great Reset.