If they can make you wear a mask, make you take the vaccine, making you take the digital Immunity Passport will be a piece of cake....
Brazilian Air Force blocks Now The End Begins from government employees computers, labels it as 'extremism', in a sign of the coming global censorship.
Massive Sahara desert dust plume drifting toward the United States called Gorilla Cloud is like living in the book of Revelation from the bible.
In Ghana, parliament has approved a measure that will recognise only the biometric Ghana Card and passport as acceptable ID for voter registration.
COVID-19 has spotlighted the promise of transhumanism, the idea of using AI technology to overcome sickness, aging and death and achieve eternal life.
SpaceX has permission from the US government to launch up to 42,000 StarLink satellites into orbit around the Earth, creating an internet web that will reach...
Netflix began showing "Stretch Armstrong & The Flex Fighters" in 2017, and in this episode it shows people lining up to take the 'SmartMark' 666 chip.
So in honor of my new favorite holiday, international #ExposeBillGates day, here is an eye-popping review of Bill Gates end times nastiness for you to share
Black Lives Matter Developing Highly-Trained ‘Military’ Arm to Declare War on Police and Take Over Black Neighborhoods At The Point Of A Gun.
What we are witnessing is the Great Reset of the entire world to prepare the people for the arrival of Antichrist. The Pretribulation Rapture very soon.
President Donald Trump held a King James Bible at St. John’s Church near the White House on Monday evening after law enforcement cleared protesters out of...
America wakes to burned out buildings in over 30 cities with no end in sight as ANTIFA and Black LIves Matter anarchists paid by George Soros...
Grimes will legally sell her soul as part of a virtual art exhibit titled 'Selling Out' and his the mother of a new baby with Elon...
New Pixar Disney short film 'Out' targets children and promotes the radical homosexual agenda to them at the movies. The LGBTQ+P for Pedophile Movement.
UNIDOHappiness is the official home and secretariat of the United Nations International Day of Happiness, and part of the UN New World Order Project.
Coronavirus has been devastating to humans, but may well prove a decisive step toward a long-prophesied COVID-1984 Age Of Drones. Now the end begins, truly.
Skittles ditches the rainbow to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community for Pride Month with gay activist group GLAAD, and will sell gray candy to raise money.
Scientists have developed an artificial electrochemical eye that could provide vision for humanoid robots, or even function as a bionic eye for the blind.
Our sun has gone into lockdown, which could cause freezing weather, earthquakes and famine, scientists say. We are in a 'solar minimum' and it's a doozy.
A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck in remote western Nevada early Friday near Area 51, according to the U.S.Geological Service, shaking people from Utah to California.
Pope Francis issued his Chrislam call today for people of all faiths and no faith to unite in prayer, fasting, and works of charity on Thursday...
Development of mirror worlds is accelerating during COVID-19 as Hollywood increases its virtual production, says Magnopus co-founder and CEO Ben Grossmann.
H.R. 6666 - To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to COVID-19, contact tracing andcontact tracing.
Russia testing the new Marker UGV Uncrewed Ground Vehicle Platform military defense system that uses robot soldiers and unmanned tanks. Magog is rising up.