The worst desert locust infestation in 70 years is ravaging East Africa, and has now spread to areas of the Middle East and Communist China.
Doctors are seeing more young patients like Martin, people in their 20s and 30s with symptoms of acute liver disease related to alcohol consumption.
John MacArthur, from Grace To You ministries, says that God will forgive a person in the Tribulation who takes the Mark of the Beast, but he's...
So what are we to make of the current spate of earthquakes, plagues, pestilence and famine, are we experiencing the prophecies from the book of Revelation?
An Israeli group is planning to hold the Dead Sea Burn, a Burning Man style pagan event, by the Dead Sea where God destroyed Sodom and...
End Times armies of locusts numbering in the billions are absolutely ravaging large portions of eastern Africa and vast stretches of the Middle East.
Fitbit female health tracker app under fire from transgender LGBTQ crazies for not including non-women who menstruate in their wellness software.
Pope Francis calls for a global tax and wealth redistribution as he prepares to fill his end times role as the Chrislam king of the One...
In China, Buddhist temples and Catholic churches are being turned into shrines celebrating Xi Jinping, the Communist leader who thinks he is a god.
Super Bowl halftime show featuring singers Shakira and Jennifer Lopez gave a disgusting display of sexual perversion tonight as children watched it all.
Do not believe the false teaching of 'seer' Ana Werner with her 'The Warrior's Dance' end times deception. She did not go to Heaven and come...
Why did Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran congratulate Imam Mahdi on the day of Soleimani’s death? Because the real Prince of Persia, Antichrist, is still coming.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò says that Pope Francis is turning the Roman Catholic Church into the synagogue of Satan by his lies, deceptions and coverups.
The LGBTQ+ advocacy group Garden State Equality started 're-education' public school teachers in New Jersey this month on mandatory new gay curriculum.
A startup called Clearview AI lets strangers find your name and personal information with snap of a photo using facial recognition technology.
Amazon recently filed a patent application for what it described as a non-contact biometric identification system that includes a hand scanner that generates images of a...
Many Christians today are confused about witchcraft, being bombarded with it from all sides, and because most people do not read and/or study the Bible.
Almost 40% of the world’s countries will witness civil unrest in 2020 as the global shaking sent by God that we warned you about is rapidly...
Mojo Lens in California is using invisible computing to create a contact lens with augmented reality to turn humans into cyborgs as Elon Musk has predicted.
The US Navy has acknowledged that three videos of UFOs, one from the 2004 USS Nimitz incident and two from 2015, are a threat to national...
The Walt Disney Channel premiered The Owl House on Friday, January 10, that promises to introduce children to a world of demons and witchcraft.
Medications been linked to road rage, pathological gambling, and complicated acts of fraud. Is your prescription changing the way your mind operates?
Just days before the current conflict in the Middle East with Iran exploded, a mirage of 'red devil horns' rose above the Persian Gulf in eerie...
Iran has placed an $80 million bounty on Donald Trump's head and threatened to attack the White House as they say will begin immediately to enrich...