In George Orwell’s 1984, the oppressive rulers of Oceania use devices called telescreens to closely monitor and repress citizens. Now Facebook looks set to follow in the...
The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the umbrella organization that is internationally-recognized as the representative of the Palestinian people, will push to withdraw formal...
Modern satanism, riven between theistic and atheistic sects, may owe something to Crowley, who called himself Great Beast 666 and who made a posthumous appearance on the Beatles’...
A rare, well preserved Hebrew-inscribed and stamped piece of clay from the First Temple Period belonging to the “governor of the city” of Jerusalem was recently...
Is the Lord preparing to once again begin dealing with His chosen people as Israel approaches the 70th anniversary of being back in the land?
The U.S. and Israel have reached a joint strategic work plan to counter Iranian activity in the Middle East. U.S. and Israeli officials said the joint...
Following Guatemala’s announcement Monday that it would move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, at least 10 other countries are in talks to move their own...
Pope Francis, continuing the 1,692 year Catholic tradition of opposing Israel, had a "christmas message" right out of the Devil's sermon book. Francis wants people to...
The UN General Assembly has voted 128 to 9 to adopt a motion rejecting the US decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
A Roman Catholic priest in Milwaukee has come out as gay, that he will no longer live in the shadows of secrecy and plans to be...
A remarkable new synagogue within the Western Wall tunnels complex which took 12 years to build was dedicated and opened on Monday night in Jerusalem.
The US was further isolated on Monday over President Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital when it blocked a United Nations vote today
Senior Trump administration officials outlined their view Friday that Jerusalem’s Western Wall ultimately will be declared a part of Israel.
NAR and Dominion are a true fulfillment of Paul's prophecy that in the last days there would be a great falling away from doctrinal, biblical Christianity.
Today, scientists led by Stephen Hawking are using high-tech scanners to discover if a huge, cigar-shaped 'comet' Oumuamua is in fact, an alien probe.
Bethel Church has created a "ministry" to partner with the Christalignment people called 'Mind, Body and Spirit'. Christalignment is pro-LGBTQ and occult.
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said his terror group was turning its attention to fighting Israel, as he raged against the US recognition of Jerusalem.
While Muslims jeer, Israelis cheer President Trump’s Jerusalem declaration, prompting Jewish religious activists to suggest building the Third Temple is closer than ever.
The word Jerusalem occurs exactly 811 times in 764 verses of your King James Bible, and it occurs exactly zero times in the Qu'ran. Did you...
Riots sparked by Donald Trump’s provocative move to recognize the Holy City of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital have spread to Indonesia and Malaysia.
US President Donald J. Trump declared that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish state of Israel, and that he is putting in place beginning...
President Donald Trump will announce Wednesday that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and that US will move the Embassy also.
Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said that the status of Jerusalem had been determined by international agreements and that preserving it was important for the...
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called 8 Arab and world leaders and urged them to prevent the relocation of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.