The “Roseanne” reboot is under way, with new characters being added– the children of Darlene and David. One of those characters will be 'gender fluid'.
A lesbian mother in Alabama demands Christian judge in DeKalb Circuit Court to recuse himself from her divorce case because the Bible against homosexuality.
On the official Rivers Sandton Campus website they proudly point to thier relationship with mega-bux "church" Hillsong United.
Pop insiders sensationally claim Justin Bieber may have cancelled his current long-running tour so he can start up his own CHURCH with Hillsong's Carl Lenz.
Wisconsin company Three Square Market is about to become the first in the U.S. to offer microchip implants to its employees. Yes, you read that right.
Can Hank Hanegraaff continue to be the “Bible Answer Man,” after converting to the Greek Orthodox Church last spring? Many people are saying no.
The world-famous Ark Encounter has decided to reclaim "God's rainbow" - announcing the massive ark exhibit will be permanently bathed in rainbow lights.
Muslim leaders and Palestinian political factions have urged the faithful to gather for a 'day of rage' against the new security policies.
A group of Florida teens filmed the dying moments of a 32-year-old disabled man last week, with the teens mocking and laughing while the man drowned.
Pope Francis told 33,000 Catholics in Rome that “a personal, direct, immediate relationship with Jesus Christ” must be avoided at all costs.
Mark Kennedy grew up a Catholic and thought he was done with religion. And then he stumbled on the podcast 'Harry Potter and the Sacred Text.'
For years now, Teen Vogue has been a cesspool of pedophilia-leaning perversion. Now the filth has gotten even filthier in new anal sex for teens article.
Eugene Peterson, the man behind The Message translation of the Bible, says he would perform a same-sex marriage ceremony if asked.
French president Emmanuel Macron has uttered this bizarre statement as he declared he will govern France like Jupiter, the Roman king of the gods.
Nevada’s green rush was on as the state joined Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska in allowing people to buy marijuana for recreational use.
Transgender is an umbrella term used to cover a wide spectrum of people whose gender identity is different from the one they were assigned at birth.
Thousands of Druids are preparing to flock to the ancient site of Stonehenge to celebrate the summer solstice once again, the longest day of the year.
We are not saying that Jared Kushner is the Antichrist, no matter how much he looks like a Central Casting version of the AC.
We thought it might be helpful if you could in one place all the organizations that George Soros' billions have created and maintain.
The Vatican is looking to develop a new doctrine that calls for excommunicating Catholics for mafia association and corruption.
SJ Rail, a Swedish rail operator, claims that up to 100 of its customers are embedding microchip implants into their hands to pay for their journey.
In the political world, there is one deal that is prized above all others, making peace in the Middle East between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Don't fall for the Devil's pathetic attempt at getting you to doubt God's word, preserved in the King James Holy Bible. That’s the real Mandela Effect.
The context of 2 Thessalonians 2, taken as it is written, is the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church which leads to the Antichrist coming to power.