A TV show is set to follow the most plastic people on the planet, modified humans, who have spent close to three million dollars on surgeries.
A Frenchman whose hoverboard invention is being considered by the US Army for usage by combat soldiers was spotted flying over a lake in Arizona.
Mystery Babylon is not America, it's not Islam, and it's not the New World Order. It's the Roman Catholic Church system in Revelation 17 and 18.
Now we know something about Melania Trump that heretofore was quite hidden - she's a practicing Roman Catholic who has pledged allegiance to the pope.
On June 1, the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 will automatically take effect unless President Trump moves to stop it by signing a waiver.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg stated his belief that the world is in need of a 'global superstructure' in a recent article from New York Times Magazine.
Senators are trying to push the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the relocation of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv
A group of business students have created the RompHim - touted as the male version of the romper - in the hope that it will spark...
The absence of a firm decision as to whether he will move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as promised, causes drop...
"It's open faith; we're brothers," Ali Mohammad, an organizer of the mosque, tells North Carolina's News & Observer.
On May 14, 1948, U.S. President Harry Truman recognized the newly-declared State of Israel — over the vehement objections of the State Department.
Let's go back to the beginning of Matthew 24 for a moment, and let's take away the entire argument that preterism is based on - 70...
Turkish dictator Recep Erdogan has called on Muslims around the world to visit Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to protect the site's Islamic identity.
I hope this study of Scripture has helped to shed some light on how works are connected with salvation in the time of Jacob's trouble.
Left Behind accurately showed that the Rapture of the Church must take place prior to the start of the time of Jacob's trouble, aka the Great...
For some reason, there seems to be a lot of debate and confusion about the nature and identity of the 144,000 mentioned in the book of...
Trump ran on a campaign promise of moving the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's eternal capital.
That is the coming day when the United Nations, under the banner of Antichrist, group together to fight against Israel with the prize being Jerusalem.
There's a controversy brewing at one of the nation's most prominent Christian schools, Wheaton College. Someone posted a gay pride flag in the dining hall.
“The key to our product is the algorithms, and they’re proprietary,” one of its executives said last year. “We’ve created them, and we don’t release them...
Jared Kushner looks right through people, like a slightly more sinister version of Nicolae Carpathia from the Left Behind series.
Israel struck an arms supply hub operated by the Lebanese group Hezbollah near Damascus airport on Thursday
The Constitution Of The Holy Apostles is an interesting read, but it is not Scripture and is not able to speak to or interpret Scripture.
Turkey votes in a hotly contested referendum today that could place sweeping new powers in the hands of President Tayyip Erdogan