Humanoid robot F.E.D.O.R., set to fly into space in 2021, is now capable of shooting using both of his arms, according to Deputy PM Dmitry Rogozin.
77 days after being sworn into office as president, Donald Trump authorized missile strikes against military targets in Syria.
From the perspective of the time of Jacob's trouble, a.k.a the Great Tribulation, there is only one "wrath" the world needs to be concerned with. The...
Prepare For Millions Of Jobs To Disappear Overnight Once Driverless Car And Robot & Drone Technology Perfected
After 7 solid chapters of judgement on Israel in the time of Jacob's trouble, God devotes the last 5 verses of Amos to describing Israel's restoration.
The Song of Solomon in chapter 2 contains an amazing Springtime picture of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ, so Happy Spring!
A transgender dad and daughter from Detroit are revealing their incredible journeys as they transition from mom and son.
North Korea could soon have the capacity to launch an attack on Hawaii that would devastate America's Pacific military bases. experts now say.
ABC can’t be accused of underplaying When We Rise, its eight-hour drama miniseries chronicling the struggles and setbacks of LGBT activists.
The Disney team have now revealed one character, LeFou, will experience Disney’s first ever “gay moment” on screen.
A Christian university in Texas has created a Chrislam prayer room for its Muslim students to pray to Allah and study the anti-Christian Qu'ran
State Sen. Becky Harris said a bill to prohibit forced microchipping of people is not as far-fetched as it might seem because it happens in some...
Billionaire Elon Musk is known for his futuristic ideas and his latest suggestion might just save us from being irrelevant as AI grows more prominent.
Among other issues, they're likely to discuss Trump's controversial pledge to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Boy Scouts of America has changed it's century old policy and accepted Joe Maldonado as the first openly-transgender scout.
Vizio is paying $2.2 million to settle charges that it collected viewing habits from 11 million devices without the knowledge or consent of viewers.
More than 13,000 Americans registered to buy a home in New Zealand — 17 times the usual rate — in the week after Donald Trump was...
The Psalm 83 War may be triggered when Donald Trump authorizes the moving of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to the Old City of Jerusalem.
The White House said on Sunday that it is in talks to fulfill President Donald Trump's pledge to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel...
In a bizarre Friday the 13th coincidence, a flight bearing the number of the beast 666 went straight to HEL today.
A European Parliament committee has voted in favor of a draft report that proposes granting legal status to robots, categorizing them as 'electronic persons'.
Senate Republicans introduced a bill Tuesday to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel and move the United States embassy to Jerusalem.
These Vivos Group Doomsday Shelters For The 1% Make Up The Largest Private Bunker Community On Earth.
The Paris Middle East Peace conference is expected to call on all sides to establish a Palestinian state within the so-called 1967 borders.