Benny HInn says that the death of Oral Roberts and the coming death of Billy Graham will be the "twin signs" that ushers in the end...
Pope Francis has said all transsexuals and homosexuals should be 'welcomed' and embraced by the Catholic Church.
What is Replacement Theology? It is the pernicious and false teaching that God is finished with the Jews and national Israel, and has replaced the Jews...
A student-sponsored referendum to provide free tampons and pads in all Cornell bathrooms has passed, with 78.6% of 3,034 voting students casting a ballot in favor.
On Friday September 30, a rare Black Moon will occur right before the Jewish Feast of Trumpets, which many are linking to the apocalypse.
Under a Trump administration, the U.S. will finally accept the long-standing Congressional mandate to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.
An 'After School Satan Club' proposed by the Satanic Temple of Seattle to be held at Centennial Elementary School should be allowed to proceed.
Using something called 'virtual unwrapping' scientists are now able to read the charred remains of the En-Gedi scroll of Leviticus.
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at a man that the Bible calls "the Assyrian", otherwise known as Antichrist.
The Bible has a very unique name it uses when referring to the Roman Catholic Church - the Whore of Babylon.
The Pretribulation Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ is clearly taught in both the Old and New Testaments.
Google’s DeepMind unit, which is working to develop super-intelligent computers, has created a system for machine-generated speech that it says outperforms existing technology by 50 percent.
While feeding pizza to the homeless today at the Vatican, Pope Francis allowed other human beings to bow to him and worship.
The headline read 'Sanhedrin Takes Major Step Toward Revelation 11 With High Priest Appointment'.
Coulrophobia – the fear of clowns – might seem like an old-joke from the 1990s – but in 2016 not many people seem to be laughing.
The 24-hour promiscuous Orgy Dome tent at Burning Man is open to adult couples and 'moresomes' looking for 'a safe place to love'
Holoportation is a new type of 3D capture technology that allows high-quality 3D models of people to be reconstructed, compressed and transmitted anywhere in the world...
At the First United Methodist Church of Austin, Texas, anything goes. Except apparently following the Bible.
Delta airlines has announced it will use RFID microchips attached to passengers' luggage to make sure belongings do not go missing.
Israel was officially regathered on May 14, 1948. On May 14, 2018, they will have been back in their own land for exactly 70 years.
The European Organisation for Nuclear Research known as CERN has launched an investigation into a video filmed at night on its Geneva campus depicting a mock...
Let's Look At God's Original Land Grant Of Israel To Abraham, and see how much land they really have.
The Jehovah's Witnesses make many claims in their attempt to convert you to their faith, and they are all false.
Historic first as Iran allows Russia to conduct military bombing operations from its territories for first time since revolution in 1979.