Today, the Obama administration said they will issue guidance on Friday forcibly directing public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms matching their gender identity.
Bruce 'Caitlyn' Jenner, who announced her transition from man to woman last year, has considered de-transitioning, the author of a new book about the Kardashian family...
Italy on Wednesday joined the rest of the Western world in extending legal recognition to same-sex relationships with parliament overwhelmingly backing gay civil unions.
The apocalypse has become big business, and it’s getting bigger every day. Today, Americans en masse are again preparing for the worst.
Its official name is the RS-28 Sarmat missile and it will replace aging Soviet R-36M missiles, which NATO military experts nicknamed "Satan II".
'You're about to graduate into a complex and borderless world', John Kerry told graduates at Northeastern University on Friday during the commencement speech.
We are watching the end of the power stranglehold of the corrupt Bush family on American politics in general, and on the Republican party in particular....
An ordained minister of the United Methodist Church married his boyfriend of 28 years on Saturday in a potent protest against church doctrine that bans ministers...
In England, the people of London elected a Muslim mayor on Friday, an event never before seen in the industrialized Western world, and it spells ruin...
"Beyoncé is the most inspiring person I’ve ever had the pleasure of worshipping, she is Jesus Christ." Adele remarked at her performance at the Forum in...
Students and faculty at Harrison Street Elementary School just love the new thumbprint scanner in the school’s lunch line
The San Andreas fault is one of California’s most dangerous, and is the state’s longest fault. It has been quiet— too quiet, said Thomas Jordan, director...
President Obama is poised to declare the first-ever national monument recognizing the struggle for gay rights, singling out a sliver of green space and part of...
It’s something you’ve likely seen in the movies. People are getting microchip implants in the back of their hands in an effort to make daily life...
According to the Chicago Tribune, tiny drops of sweet-smelling oil have been trickling down an icon of John the Baptist at Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in...
In Astana, we have a 'city of the future' filled with Illuminati, Masonic and occult symbols, whose purpose it's leaders say is to 'foster global peace...
Christopher Boucher doesn't go to church. He doesn't read the Bible. But the 26-year-old global product manager is a regular at Jesus + Beer.
North Korea now has two satellites orbiting over the United States capable of performing a surprise electromagnetic pulse attack at an altitude and trajectory that evade...
The American Family Association is calling for a boycott of Target after the retail giant said it would allow men to use the women's restrooms and...
Commissioner Adam Silver believes the NBA has been "crystal clear" that the 2017 All-Star Game only stays in Charlotte if a North Carolina law goes.
ABC's Once Upon a Time aired a lesbian kiss last night to much fanfare and excitement from the LGBT crowd and producers who said its inclusion...
Curt Schilling has been advised that his conduct was unacceptable and his employment with ESPN has been terminated,” the network said in a statement.
The arch from the Temple of Baal that was destroyed by Islamic State fighters in Palmyra, Syria, stood proudly once again on Tuesday, this time as...
SCIENTISTS fear a monster earthquake could be about to strike after a seventh quake in just 96 hours struck the Pacific region, killing hundreds of people.