Iran, in an unusual arrangement, will be allowed to use its own experts to inspect a site it allegedly used to develop nuclear arms under a...
The Chinese and Russian navies are gearing up for their largest ever joint exercises, slated to begin Thursday in the Pacific with more than 20 ships...
Dehqan said that Russia will deliver the S-300 system after carrying out “state-of art technological changes” on the missiles, which will then be delivered to Iran,...
Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado said Christian business owners are under attack – especially those providing goods and services to the wedding industry.
Time is now rapidly running out. From China to Brazil, the central banks have lost control and at the same time the global economy is grinding...
What it ultimately will turn out to be in September remains to be seen, but in our job as a watchman on the wall, we are...
Even among feminists, free-bleeding is a reasonably controversial thing. To social justice warriors (SJWs) like Kiran, it’s an important step towards smashing the patriarchy-imposed norm of...
The Times of India reports today that "In a breathtaking spectacle, Goddess Kali was projected on the Empire State Building in New York." For those of...
The Bible in Daniel 9 (see above scripture) also talks about a Third Jewish Temple that will be standing during the time of Jacob's Trouble, as...
The Temple Institute is now beginning one of its most ambitious projects to date: Restoring the Divine commandment to restore the state of Biblical purity to...
The Huffington Post ran an article yesterday, written by a "licensed minister" Alexander J. Barron, in the "Missionary Baptist" tradition, whose main focal point is that...
Terminator Genisys is a real-time message from the New World Order, and it's "coming soon to a theater near you", as the old saying goes. Terminator...
Greece overwhelmingly rejected creditors' demands for more austerity in return for rescue loans in a critical referendum Sunday, backing Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who insisted the...
The savage slayings, before a crowd of intent spectators in a newly-revived Roman amphitheater in Syria, shows the group of doomed soldiers on their knees with...
Several hundred thousand people filled the streets of Berlin for the city's Gay LGBT Pride parade on Saturday, a day after the US Supreme Court legalised...
Faced with one of the most consequential meetings of his young tenure as prime minister, Greece’s Alexis Tsipras on Wednesday resorted to the same trait that...
Controversial televangelist Benny Hinn has claimed in a message that the "greatest wealth transfer in human history" is approaching, and asked people to sow money into...
You will be left behind to face the Antichrist, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and Trumpet, Bowl, Seal and Vial Judgments that will make Hitler's...
Can cessationism, the view that the Charismatic gifts have ended, be proved? Some say that the cessationism cannot be conclusively proved from Scripture. We believe, however,...
It has been 67 years today, since Israel was declared the Jewish homeland in 1948. This was an amazing fulfillment of prophecy.
Christine Caine, a Hillsong bible teacher and evangelist, was recently speaking at the same event as bible perverter Joyce "ye are little gods" Meyer. Caine laid...
The Codex Gigas is the largest surviving medieval manuscript in the world. At nearly nine inches (22cm) thick and 36 inches (92cm) tall, the book is...
America is on the verge of being judged and destroyed by God Almighty, could this be why is is not mentioned among the nations in Bible...
The ISIS attacks, which have already begun, will gradually increase in number until watching beheadings on the streets of every major American city will become as...