In the 24th chapter of Matthew, the apostles come together to ask Jesus about His return, which we know to be the Day of the Lord,...
In 1970, just 14 years after the 3 Crosses photo was taken, New York passed the most permissive abortion law in America, one that defined the...
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved redefining marriage in the church constitution Tuesday to include a "commitment between two people," becoming the largest Protestant group to formally...
The New World Order is sending a clear-cut message. They are awaiting for the appearance of their lord, the Antichrist, and will attempt to destroy the...
In 1980, a very strange stone formation was erected in a city in Georgia. It has been called the Stonehenge of America. It’s name is the...
Perpetual Kid's Chill, Baby Lil' Lager Baby Bottle is a child-safe nursing bottle that can hold up to 10 ounces of your child's favorite drink
The new EMV credit card system the U.S. is set to migrate to by October, 2015. Also going away is the ability to sign for your...
The intimate lip-locking photographed between Bill Belichick and his adult daughter, Amanda, drew cries of 'making out' and comparisons to actor Woody Allen on Twitter after...
The Message has sold over 10 million copies. The list of prominent people in the Christian world who endorse this evil work is beyond belief. The...
Hannes Sjoblad says he and the Swedish Biohacking Group have objective - preparing us all for the day when others want to chip us.
It’s not the first time Pope Francis has mentioned the 1907 novel by Robert Hugh Benson, but his recommendation appears to be due to the daunting...
In Billy Graham's own words, you will hear about his half-century long partnership with the Vatican,and how "the Pope and I agree on nearly everything".
Palestinian Liberation Theology blatantly changes God’s Word. Any mention of Israel - gone. Any mention of Jesus being a Jew - gone.
The Lucis Trust has been for years, the philosophical and religious consulting firm to all members of the U.N., an organization that has its roots and...
Lutheran church Rev. Martin Junge, says relations between the Lutheran and Catholic churches have reached an epoch-making turning-point.
Construction on the ark itself will be completed by 2018, and will be 267 square miles in size and scope.
REVELATION: THE END OF DAYS is a gripping, dramatic interpretation of the Pretribulation Rapture and the Great Tribulation that follows after it.
The Lake Worth, Florida City Council allowed atheist Preston Smith to lead them in the opening prayer to Satan.
Not only does Lucius II invoke graphic images of violence and horror, it places the user in the role of Antichrist.
“They said, ‘Say the words.’ They said, ‘No, we can’t.’ They chopped all their heads off. How do you respond to that? You just cry.”
Australia's Kmart and Target stores have decided to ban "Grand Theft Auto V." It's clear the stores were moved by a petition that was signed by...
Daniel was given a series of dreams and visions to think upon and consider. These visions are so important that Jesus says in Matthew 24 that...
The Florida Department of Management Services this week approved the proposed holiday display from the Satanic Temple, which a year ago was rejected because the agency...
Religious leaders from a half-dozen faiths signed a new Vatican initiative Tuesday to end modern-day slavery by 2020, declaring that human trafficking, organ trafficking and forced...