Cyprus has given the “state of Palestine” an embassy, even though it still says that a “Palestinian state” needs to be established through negotiations with Israel.
What is being called the the “world’s first complete Bionic Man” has been unveiled ahead of its display at London’s Science Museum on Feb. 7.
Why did Beyonce flash the Illuminati triangle symbol during her performance at the Super Bowl XLVII last night? No one knows for sure, but that fact...
The Boy Scouts of America is actively considering an end to its decades-long policy of banning gay scouts or scout leaders, according to scouting officials and...
As for Christian churches embracing these methods, there are many missionaries and leaders who will try to cover up their IM connections from their congregants
Newsweek celebrated President Obama's upcoming inauguration with a "cover" that calls the event "the second coming," an apparent reference to the return of Jesus Christ
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in...
What if you could dramatically speed up your computing by moving your cursor exclusively with your eyes? A company called Tobii is transforming the way we...
Cathedral officials says the church will be among the first to implement a new rite of marriage for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender members. The church...
In this Droid DNA commercial as you will see, a man is being implanted, chipped, with various smartphone parts, so that his body and the phone...
Jordanian minister accused Israel on Wednesday of planning to partition the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem and the Temple Mount plaza surrounding it in order to...
Despite protests by privacy groups, Israel will begin amassing biometric data on its citizens beginning Tuesday.
President Barack Obama has signed into law a five-year extension of the U.S. government's authority to monitor the overseas activity of suspected foreign spies and terrorists.
Gates told the conference that the goal is a lower population, and using vaccines to improve early childhood health is a step in that direction.
Scientists are constructing Roboy as a tendon-driven robot modeled on human beings (robots usually have their motors in their joints, giving them that “robot” break-dance look),...
A GM salmon which grows twice as fast as ordinary fish could become the first genetically-modified animal in the world to be declared officially safe to...
The study warns that Christians suffer greater hostility across the world than any other religious group. And it claims politicians have been “blind” to the extent...
A company called Amendment II is offering a “Ballistic Backpack” lined with carbon nanotube armor sewn into the rear of the pack and comes in boys,...
“The Queen James Bible resolves any homophobic interpretations of the Bible, but the Bible is still filled with inequality and even contradiction that we have not...
At least 26 people are dead, including 18 children, after a gunman opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. Friday morning.
A new report by Obama's intelligence group projects that the United States will no longer be the world's only superpower by 2030.
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise,...
Egyptian police battled thousands of protesters outside President Mohamed Mursi's palace in Cairo on Tuesday, prompting the Islamist leader to leave the building, two presidential sources...
Vatican clergy and employees will be issued with an identity card complete with a microchip-tracking device in sweeping new security measures designed to prevent a repeat...