There is a photograph of Adolf Hitler when he first registered with the Nazi Party in Austria. His ID card has an interesting number on it—555....
Scientists have created a genetically modified (GM) cow that produces milk with low levels of a protein known to cause allergic reactions in a significant proportion...
The US Embassy in Cairo issued a terrorist threat on its website that it has “credible information suggesting terrorist interest in targeting US female missionaries in...
The name of this new promotion is called "We Will Find You." The whole idea of it is to make you relax and feel comfortable with...
California has become the third state to welcome driverless cars with open arms. Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law today that officially legalized self-driving...
"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims, and Shiite pilgrims."
President Obama says the Muslim attacks on America are an "assault on the very ideals upon which the United Nations was founded."
Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood has given King Abdullah II notice that he has until October to bow to their demand to transform the Hashemite Kingdom into a...
US law enforcement agencies are implementing a tool called Voice Grid Nation able to store, analyze and identify voices in seconds. YOUR voice.
Iran could launch a pre-emptive strike on Israel if it was sure the Jewish state were preparing to attack it, a senior commander of its elite...
Where did all the stars go? The Obama 'Our Stripes' flag is a coded message advertising his intent to DESTROY all 50 states in our union.
At the Eglin Air Force Base, in the Florida panhandle, all Lockheed AC-130 aircraft have been moved out "somewhere". Perhaps to the Persian Gulf?
King first learned about “The Gospel of Jesus' Wife” when she received an e-mail in 2010 from a private collector who asked her to translate it....
"This exercise is about mines and the international effort to clear them," said Vice-Admiral John Miller, commander of US Naval Forces Central Command.
Muslim unrest reached Australia, where hundreds of demonstrators clashed Saturday with police outside the U.S. Consulate in Sydney.
The black flag of Islam is flying over the U.S. embassy in Tunisia after it was stormed by a mob of protesters today - as anger...
Salafi Bedouins linked to al Qaeda stormed the Multinational Force’s camp in northern Sinai with grenades, mortars and automatic guns Friday night Sept. 14.
Riots by Muslims that began on September 11, 2012, have reached Jerusalem, where demonstrations were held after Friday prayers at the Al-Aqsa mosque in the Old...
Germany's embassy in Sudan became the latest target of Muslim outrage against the West on Friday, as thousands of protesters stormed the grounds and set it...
Demonstrators attacked the U.S. embassies in Yemen and Egypt on Thursday. Hundreds of Yemeni demonstrators broke through the main gate of the heavily fortified compound in...
WASHINGTON – A PR duel will be in two and a half weeks during the United Nations General Assembly discussions in New York between Prime Minister...
A stretch of China's longest river has abruptly turned the color of tomato juice, and officials say they don't know why. Residents of the southwestern city...
Obama's speech was re-written and pared down in an attempt to give him the "common man" touch. The next thing to go was the massive, stained...
Street vendors across downtown Charlotte are selling posters and artwork depicting President Obama as Jesus Christ and the Democratic National Convention is expected to feature a...